“For going out.”
“Why would we go out?”
“To stake your claim.” Joy lifts one corner of her lips in a devious smile. “So, you better dress to kill.”
“Who? Matteo?”
“Oh no, there isn’t a cell in that boy’s body that doesn’t know he’s yours.”
“Then who am I going to kill?”
“The delusional competition.”
I twist my lips, considering her plan and I like it. A lot. “I guess we’re going out.” We hang up and I look over to my daughter.
“Hey, baby girl,” I coo to Mellie, picking her up from her bouncer and kissing that sweet, chubby cheek. “Do you want to go see Matteo?” Mellie gives me a big smile. “Of course, you do. See, all the girls are crazy for him.”
I run through a quick shower while Mel hangs out in her bouncer next to me. It’s getting pretty chilly in the evenings now so I pull on my favorite jeans that cling to my ass like second skin with a black long sleave that does the same, and dips nice and low in the cleavage area. I fix my blonde waves and apply red stain on my lips. Last but not least, I put on my red heels.
Joy did say dress to kill, right?
Satisfied with my look, I go through the huge pile of clothes Matteo got Mel, looking for the one I need. Because I’m not the only one who is staking her claim tonight.
An hour later, I walk up to LPs with Mellie in her stroller, where Joy and Jacob are standing, waiting for us. And bickering. But knowing these two that’s most likely foreplay for them.
“I told you, you didn’t have to come,” Joy tells him and Jacob just huffs in response, folding his arms.
“Yeah, right. Like I’d ever let you go to this bar without me. Hey, Zoe.” He redirects his attention to us, smiling wide at Mel. “Plus, someone needs to watch my angel of a niece when Matteo sees his girl in that getup and drags her into the hallway.” He winks at me, and I feel my cheeks warm up.
God, I do hope so.
“Now, that’s what I was talking about.” Joy gives me an appraising gaze and smiles a little wickedly. “Yeah, Jackie, we are definitely going to be on babysitting duty tonight.”
“Stop it, you two.” I roll my eyes at them.
“I will gladly watch my goddaughter tonight.” Alec’s voice startles me from behind, and when I turn, I see him and Hope coming toward us.
“What are you guys doing here?” I ask them.
“Jacob told us about the plan. So, we came ready.”
Both Joy and I narrow our eyes at the said blabbermouth. “What?” he squeaks. “There is power in numbers.”
“You got that right, Viking,” Fanny says as she too, comes around the corner, cracking her neck, followed by Nina and Jenny.
“Please tell me you didn’t call the whole Love Hive here?” Joy grits out, shooting daggers at her husband.
“Of course not. Just a few trusted people.”
“So, what’s the plan? Do we get to trash talk?” Nina asks, looking way too excited about the prospect. “Willa already said she will be using her special cocktails on the bimbos tonight.”
“I call dibs on body force,” Fanny pipes out. “I’ve been meaning to try out this new kick, but Nerds refuses to let me practice on him,” she pouts.
I still question how in the world my sensible father ended up with Fanny of all people.
“Oooo, I love trash talking! And I need to practice on someone other than Nina,” Jenny exclaims, clapping her hands together. “Can I do it? Please, please, please?”
“Moooom,” Joy and Hope groan at the same time, and then Joy turns to her husband. “Just a few trusted people, yeah? There is nothing trustworthy about them. Those three are preschoolers on crack and now you’re on a whole new babysitting duty.” She smacks his chest.