"Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary." – Oscar Wilde
This past week I have felt like I’ve been living in some sort of a dream. The kind where you’re dreading to hear that inevitable sound of your alarm clock waking you up. Only so far, not only have I not been woken up, but I fall in deeper and deeper.
And even all those reasons I had made up in my mind about why we can’t be no longer seems important.
So what if he’s younger? He shows more maturity than all of my prior—older—boyfriends put together. Not to mention his love and care for Mellie has erased all my doubts about that long time ago.
So what if he’s never been in a relationship before me? He knows what he wants, unlike all the men I’ve dated before. And somehow that is me and my baby girl.
So what if every woman around town throws him flirtatious looks? He only has eyes for me. And he proves it every day. And night.
That man is insatiable, and I am just as crazy for him. I’m pretty sure he has a calendar where he marks days until my OBGYN appointment at six weeks where I should be cleared for sexual activities. Not that it has stopped him before.
He’s been bringing me orgasms like candies on Halloween night. In large quantities that put you into a sugar—orgasm—coma. Not that I mind. Not one little bit.
But it’s not just about sex. No, it’s about homemade breakfasts every morning and walks on the beach. It’s about him taking Mellie at night so I can sleep. It’s about foot rubs and cracking jokes to make me laugh. Chasing me through the house like a rabid dog, waiting to sink his teeth into my body. And I mean that literally.
It’s about sitting at the bar, watching him work his magic and be in his element. It’s about him calling to sing to Mellie before bed if he had to stay out to close the bar that night. And endless love messages to me at all hours of the day. Sometimes I wake up with him next to me in bed yet there is a new message on my phone that he sent in the middle of the night. Last one read:
I miss you in my sleep, so I had to wake up in the middle of the night to get my fill of you, Beastie. Sorry if my touches woke you up.
And while I wake up to sweet words, Matteo wakes up with a new bruise and yet he still comes to our bed every night.
That’s what it’s all about.
It's also about living at the moment. Something I never knew before he introduced chaos into my life.
So what if I fell in love with him? It was inevitable.
The roar of Matteo’s bike snaps me from my daydreaming on the porch where Mellie is hanging out on her baby swing.
No, we’re not sitting out here waiting for his return from wherever he went two hours ago. Absolutely not.
Oh, fine, we totally are, but it’s all Mel’s fault. She wanted her favorite human back so I was just keeping her company.
Fine, I wanted my man back too.
Matteo parks next to my car, those thick thighs of his hugging his iron horse right before he slides off, taking off his helmet and his long hair spills free.
That man is every woman’s walking wet dream. I swear.
“Mmm.” A soft whimper comes from me at the sight. I really, really love his hair. I love it when he treads his fingers through it, pulling it into a messy low bun like he’s doing right now. I love it even more when my fingers slip through that messy bun, pulling and tugging on it until it’s all loose again.
Something about that action just does it for me and I shift on the couch, trying to relief some of the pressure in my core. But it’s a lost cause because he spots us right away, flashing us his signature Matteo-grin and hurries our way, carrying a large bag in his hands.
As soon as he reaches us, he bends over, kissing Mellie’s forehead and the girl melts sight there and then for him, smiling at Matteo like he’s hung the moon and all the stars for her alone. “You missed me, my little watermelon?” he coos at her in a ridiculous baby voice that somehow my pussy responds to as well.
I need help.
“I missed you more!” he proclaims dramatically, and she gives him those in-love eyes. I love how much time and attention he gives her. Matteo makes Mellie his priority and that right there is what makes my heartbeat faster for this man.
After another minute of one-way conversation with my daughter, Matteo shifts his attention to me, and doubles over, clutching at his chest.
Right away panic sets into my bones and I rush to him, my hands on his face pulling him up to see what happened. “Matteo! Matteo baby, what’s wrong? What hurts? What do you need?”
“An oxygen tank,” he rasps out, trying to gulp fresh air and I’m becoming downright frantic.