Jacob: I would like to go on record that I was the only one being a good friend here and actually waiting for Matteo to say what he needs to say. Shame on you, Colson brothers.
Luke: Bite me, Viking.
Jacob: You wouldn’t be able to handle my jealous Joy.
Alec: Matty, I’m sorry for getting sidetracked. It’s all Luke’s fault though.
Jacob: Matteo? Hellooooo?
Alec: Why isn’t he responding?
Luke: Because he finally realized you both suck.
Matteo: Shh, I’m getting my advice from the girls instead.
Jacob: Ahhhhhh, no you didn’t!!!
Alec: I’m questioning where your loyalties lay, Matty. This is breaking the bro code at its finest.
Matteo: Desperate times, desperate measures and all that. I need to know when I can finally ask Zoe to marry me without her freaking out and you three are of no help.
Jacob: Why are you waiting to ask her? My man, with these girls you gotta put it all out there as soon as possible. Get in touch with your emotions, be vulnerable and shit. Lock it down.
Matteo: Well, Joy just told me to take it slow.
Jacob: Pshhh, and that is why you DON’T ask the girls for advice. Take it slow…who says that? That’s the worst advice ever!
Jacob: Please don’t tell Joy I said that.
Luke: Joy asked me to tell you that she’s going to kill you.
Jacob: Who included the grinch in this chat?
Jacob: Jesus Christ, she’s coming for me, if I don’t reply in an hour, send help.
Alec: Jacob is right. If you feel it, tell her! And if she freaks out you don’t let her get away. She can freak out with you.
Luke: Was that the first smart thing I’ve ever heard you say, little brother?
Alec: What Luke is trying to say is that he agrees with his smarter, better looking younger brother.
Luke: Not even close to what I said. But I do agree.
"I'm yours, no refunds." – Unknown
“Oof.” I wince through my sleep, reaching toward my ribs that suddenly sting and feel like a stick or maybe Mellie’s toy got stuck underneath them but it’s not what my hand comes in contact with.
Nope, it’s just the heel of my girl’s foot, wedged firmly into my ribs. Still asleep, I feel a smile pull up on the corners of my mouth as I glide my hand over the soft skin of her foot.
She’s adorable, pressing her feet into me. I like to think it’s because she likes me so much she can’t stand to be apart from me, even in sleep.
After our not-so-sweet-and-romantic night up in the loft, Zoe took my hand and silently led me to her bedroom. No words were needed. Not when she said the most important ones earlier.
Zoe is falling for me. Falling. And I’ll be here to catch her and never let go.