I blow out a tired breath, turn around and just start rubbing the exhaustion from my face with my hands when the door behind me squeaks and I quickly turn around. “Hey, thank God you answered.” My eyes are still a little blurry from all that rubbing. “My mom, Willa from LPs, which I’m sure you know, ignore me. Anyway, she asked to pick up some min—” The rest of the words die on my tongue because finally I see clearly who is standing before me, gaping at me with those big, magnetic, brown eyes, the softest blonde hair, in a messy bun atop her head and her mouth propped open in what I think is a silent “what the fuck”—because that is what I am mentally mouthing to myself.
My Zoe.
My beastie.
At least I think that’s who I’m seeing right now because a second later my eyes are registering what I am really seeing in front of me, and every ounce of breath is knocked out of my chest. Literally. I have nothing to breathe with, staggering backward in my steps until I feel the porch banister behind me, and I grab onto it with my dear life before my knees give out.
“Matteo?” a very pregnant Zoe whispers. YES! Pregnant! “Are you all right?”
Am I all right? Am I fucking all right??
I’m peachy! Just about to become a dad. But all is well here.
Wait, take a deep breath in, Matteo, you cannot scare a pregnant woman with your internal shrieks. Especially one who is most likely carrying your child.
My face pales further from the realization. I can literally feel the blood from it vanishing as I’m hyperventilating.
“Jesus Christ, Matteo,” Zoe yelps and rushes to me.
“H-how? W-we used p-protection, d-didn’t we?” I’m stuttering, my voice shaky and I feel that full-blown panic attack about to take over me.
That is until her skin touches mine. Just one little touch of her fingers on my arm and my eyes snap up to hers, locking in on them and just like that I am able to draw a deep, full breath in, steading my erratic breathing as my heart rate slowly slows down that instant.
That. That is what she does to me. No fucking wonder my sperm found a way around the fucking condom all those months ago.
And why doesn't it sound half as bad?
“I’m going to be a dad?”
"Honestly, if you're not willing to sound stupid, you don't deserve to be in love." – A Lot Like Love
“I’m going to be a dad?” Matteo leans into me, whispering as if it’s some kind of a secret. His eyes are huge and wild and up until just now were full of so much terror, it was almost comical. While now they hold some other weird, unexplainable emotion in them.
To say I’m shocked to see him standing in all of his handsome glory at my door step the morning of my first day of my official maternity leave is an understatement. And even being on a brink of delivery didn’t stop my pussy from throbbing at the sight of Matteo. That long chocolatey hair in a low, loose bun, his beard as perfect as that night and that silver chain peeking from underneath his half-way buttoned shirt same as last time.
And yes, it was doing things to me, it had no business doing. Especially when I have been feeling crappy since last night. Well, it’s more of a permanent type of feeling since I hit the third trimester.
Seems like I have just used up all of those sex memories from that night I used to fuel my horny, pregnant self with for half a year and I’m in sudden need of new ones.
Sure, I’ve heard rumors that Willa’s son is coming back to LC to take over the family bar but with everything going on in my life, I didn’t pay attention to those as much as I should have. Plus, I know how rumors work in this town.
Half were fantasies with a dash of delusion, so I stopped listening to them a while back.
Yet here he is, the man who turned my life around flesh and blood, freaking out on my porch over his impending fatherhood that is not going to happen since the child is obviously not his. Not only did we—indeed—use condoms that night but it has only been about six months from that night, and I would not be this big yet unless—
“Wait, but that was only six months, two weeks and three days ago,” he says, breaking my own thought process, his forehead scrunching up in confusion as he looks me up and down. I want to tell him he is right, but my brain is stuck on the fact that he has the exact number of time memorized just like that. So, he continues coming up with his own ideas without my input. “How come you are so big already?”
Anddddd the adoration of the man stops right there as I arch one, unimpressed eyebrow at him and he pales again, scrambling back up to his feet and pulling me with him. “No, no, I didn’t mean it like that!” he says with a somewhat panicked voice. “You are gorgeous. Not big. Jesus. That’s not—”
Suddenly, that already pale face, pales further as he sucks in quick, deep breath and blinks rapidly. “Wait. Is it twins? Are we having twins?”
Oh my God, the look on his face right now…I am trying so hard not to laugh, I have to purse my lips together because this should not be a hilarious moment. The boy is literally about to pass out, yet I haven’t had so much fun in a while.