Through the windows of the reception venue, the ocean could be seen glimmering in the moonlight. Indoors, the lights were dim and people were dancing together in the center of their room. Johanna smiled as she looked at the dancing guests—she saw Dane and Alissa standing together, swaying slowly back and forth instead of dancing because of how pregnant she was.
Her eyes scanned over the room again, checking for Everett. She’d noticed him right away at the ceremony and had been stealing glances at him ever since. Part of her wished that they’d already announced that they were dating, so that they could have come to the wedding together. She had to admit, though, it was still fun to try to catch his eye across the room. So far they’d managed one wink, a lingering glance, and a couple of smiles.
“Here’s your wine, ma’am.”
She turned and smiled at the bartender, who handed her a richly red glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.
“Thank you,” she said, taking it from him. She took a sip and was delighted by the robust flavor.
“Excuse me.”
She turned and saw a man standing there smiling at her. He was someone she didn’t recognize, but he looked well put together, and he was wearing a sleek suit and a silver tie. He was looking at her in a way that made her stomach turn upside down. She knew what that look meant—he was interested in her.
“Yes?” she said politely.
The man had flecks of gray around his temples, and a distinguished mustache. Despite his handsome appearance, she had no interest in him whatsoever. He smiled at her. “Would you care to dance?” he asked.
“Oh!” Her lips parted in surprise. She had expected him to make conversation, not come right out and ask her something like that. “I—”
She didn’t want to be rude, but she had no intention of dancing with him. If she couldn’t dance with the man she really wanted to dance with—Everett—she didn’t want to dance with anyone. Besides, she didn’t want to lead this man on in any way. Her relationship might not have been public, but it was very real to her, and she considered herself spoken for. Before she could say anything, however, she heard someone clear their throat behind her.
She turned, and saw Everett standing there, smiling politely. Her heart leapt up when she saw him—she hadn’t realized that he was so close by.
“Sorry to cut in,” he said, stepping up beside Johanna, “but this lady is spoken for.” He turned to her, holding out a hand for her to take. “If you’d oblige this old fisherman, I’d like to have a dance with my girlfriend.”
Everett grinned at Johanna, watching her eyes widen as she heard his words. He could see the surprise in her eyes, and he hoped that she wouldn’t get mad at him for blurting out that she was his girlfriend. He’d said the words impulsively—after all, she was his girlfriend, and he didn’t like the idea of another man trying to sweep her off her feet.
He glanced past Johanna’s shoulder and saw Marsha standing nearby, staring at them with her jaw dropped into a perfect “O.” He repressed a chuckle—and then he noticed that Dane was also standing nearby, staring at them. It was clear that they’d both heard him say that Johanna was his girlfriend, and they couldn’t have looked more shocked if an alien spaceship had started to land outside the windows of the wedding venue.
He remembered that the last time they had seen him and Johanna interact was at the bowling alley—and at the dinner party before that. While the idea of him and Johanna being in a relationship was now a very comfortable idea to him, he realized how strange it seemed to their friends and family.
Well, the cat was out of the bag, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it now. He was already too deep in to take it back. Besides, he didn’t want to take it back. He was glad that he’d blurted the words and Marsha and Dane had overheard him. He was proud of the fact that she was his girlfriend, and he liked the idea of people knowing.
“Certainly,” the man who had asked Johanna to dance said stiffly. He gave Everett a condescending glance, as if to say that he couldn’t believe someone as classy as Johanna would date someone as rough and ready as Everett. Everett didn’t mind in the least. He just grinned at the man. Johanna was with him—and she clearly had good taste.
With a nod, the man disappeared back into the crowd, and Everett watched him go with a satisfied nod. Then he turned back to Johanna, smiling sweetly at her.
“May I have this dance?” he asked.
“Yes, you may,” she said, a little breathlessly. Her eyes shone at him as if he’d just rescued her from a bear or something like that. Her expression seemed to say that he was her hero, and he grinned at her, feeling glad that she was reacting that way.
He took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. The song that was playing was slow and sweet, and they began to dance together with their arms around each other. He felt a little clumsy—he had never considered himself to be any kind of a dancer—but he was determined to lead well. He concentrated on the waltz step they were doing together, and before long it felt natural to him.
The two of them waltzed together in what seemed like a world of their own. A few minutes passed before he realized that people were watching them, and many people were whispering excitedly. He smiled down at her, feeling a rush of happiness that they were out in public together.
At first, they didn’t speak. He didn’t really feel the need to say anything in that moment—he just wanted to dance with her.
“What was that all about?” she asked after a few heartbeats, her voice a little breathless.
“I couldn’t keep it inside anymore,” he answered. “I couldn’t keep it a secret. I only want you to dance with me.”
She drew in a soft gasp, then nodded, smiling at him.
“I was going to tell him no,” she whispered. “I only want me to dance with you too.”
He beamed at her, feeling glad that they’d reached the next step in their relationship. “It feels good to be out with you in public like this. I feel proud to be dancing with you like this.”
“I feel proud to be dancing with you too,” she said, blushing a little. “And I’m glad our secret is out. It was fun while it lasted, but I think—well, I don’t feel the need to keep our relationship a secret anymore either.”