“We’re going to have the greatest snowball fight of all time,” Max announced dramatically as they stepped outside in the crisp winter air. “Boys against girls.”
“You sure there, bud?” Corey asked, laughing as he locked the door behind them. “You realize that’s two to four, right?”
“We’ve got this, Dad,” Max said, and Corey grinned at him while Olivia and Caitlin covered their mouths with their hands, laughing.
They walked down the sidewalk together toward the nearest park. The kids chatted excitedly in front, while the adults walked more slowly behind them. It was a lovely winter afternoon, with a blue sky overhead. The sun was starting to dip toward the horizon, turning the sky pink at the western edge.
“Oh, it’s a beautiful day,” Olivia said, taking a deep breath and sighing in satisfaction. “I’m looking forward to spring, but I love winter. The snow is so pretty, isn’t it? It’s annoying to deal with sometimes, but I love it when it dusts the tree branches like this.”
“And glitters in the sunlight,” Caitlin agreed warmly, smiling at her friend.
“And of course, the epic battle that’s about to ensue wouldn’t be possible without snow,” Olivia added.
They reached the park and the kids took off across a snowy area, already starting to pelt each other with snowballs. Corey followed them, laughing, and Olivia and Caitlin sat down on a bench nearby.
“Let’s let them play two against two for a little while,” Caitlin said, chuckling. “Haley and Pearl can more than hold their own in a snowball fight.”
“They sure can.” Olivia laughed. “They’re both feisty. Especially Haley.”
For a few moments, the two friends sat quietly, enjoying watching their loved ones scamper around in a snowball fight.
“Did you pick a date for the wedding yet?” Olivia asked finally, turning to Caitlin with a smile.
“We did! We want to have it in late April. At first, we’d said we were just going to have a very simple wedding—a quick marriage at the courthouse—but then it turned out that Michael wants a big wedding. He didn’t tell me at first, but I found some pictures he’d saved so we talked about it, and I changed my mind. I think he’s right to want to celebrate our marriage with all our loved ones. And I just think it’s so sweet that he cares so much.”
“That is sweet.” Olivia twisted a lock of her curly brown hair around her fingers. “He wants your wedding to be beautiful because he cares so much about your relationship.”
Caitlin nodded. “And I guess I’d kind of assumed that he would prefer something without fuss—I guess I assumed that’s what most men would want. I find it really touching that he wants to put a lot of effort into celebrating our marriage. I mean, he’d saved pictures of centerpiece ideas!”
“And now I’ve been thinking about it, and I want to make our wedding extra special. I need to think of something that could be really wonderful—something that would be the memorable wedding that he wants and then some.”
“That sounds sweet. I’m sure he’ll love that.” Olivia grinned.
“Thanks.” Caitlin grinned back. “I have to think of something. You know, like a theme of some kind. Something very different from the little courthouse wedding we were going to do.”
“How about a beach wedding?” Olivia suggested eagerly. “If you’re having your wedding in late April, that would be so nice!”
“I love that idea!” Caitlin bit her lip as she considered Olivia’s suggestion. “You’re right, a beach wedding could be absolutely beautiful.”
“And we’re definitely already in the right spot for it.” Olivia gestured broadly, encompassing the town around them and the beachfront beyond.
Caitlin laughed. “So true! Thank you, Olivia.” She gave her friend a quick hug. “I think that’s the answer to my question. My mind is already racing with ideas.”
“Good! As long as you click with it, I think that’s the sign that—” Olivia yelped as a snowball came sailing through the air and hit Caitlin squarely on the leg.
Caitlin laughed, turning toward the kids and Corey.
“Sorry, Mom!” Pearl yelled across the snowy field. “I meant that for Max.”
“That was quite a shot!” Caitlin called back. She turned to Olivia. “You want to join this snowball fight?”
“Absolutely. I will always defend your honor in a snowball fight.”
Laughing, the two of them stood up and hurried over to join the fun.