“We’ll come up with something, I promise,” he said, kissing her head. “And when we do, it will be that much more satisfying.”

“Okay.” She smiled.

“How about Ham and Eggs?”

“I guess so. I am pretty hungry. What about pasta or something else, though? We could make enchiladas tonight.”

“No.” He laughed. “I meant for the baby.”

“Ahh!” She groaned. “What am I going to do with you?”

He grinned and kissed her nose. “We really will come up with the perfect name. For real.”

She smiled at him. “You’re right.” She placed her hand on her stomach, feeling a rush of love for their coming baby. “Hopefully we know what it is by the time he’s born.”

Caitlin smiled down at Pearl, who was skipping along the sidewalk at her side. Pearl was bundled up in her puffy coat and hat, and she looked a little bit like a pink marshmallow hopping down the sidewalk.

“Are you excited?” Caitlin asked her daughter, who was holding her hand tightly through her yellow mittens.

“So excited. I like Haley so much. And Max is also really cool.”

The two of them were on their way to Coastal Keepsakes, Corey’s store, to meet with his kids Max and Haley for a playdate. The kids had become friends through their classes together at Little Clams and Caitlin and Corey had started having them meet up to spend time together outside of class.

A few minutes later, they reached Coastal Keepsakes and stepped through the front door. A shop bell jingled overhead, and Caitlin smiled when she smelled the pleasant, floral aroma of the shop.

Corey and Olivia were standing behind the counter, and they turned and greeted Pearl and Caitlin warmly.

“Hey!” Olivia said, leaning over the counter to give Pearl a high-five. Olivia was Pearl’s teacher at Little Clams, and she had a special bond with all her students. “How’s it going?”

“Good!” Pearl said cheerfully. “Where are Max and Haley?”

“They’re in the back room,” Corey said. “Want me to call them?”

“Yes please!” Pearl said, and Corey walked over to a door behind the counter. He opened it and called, “Hey, kids! Pearl is here!”

From behind the door, Caitlin heard a shout and the sound of pattering feet. A moment later, Max and Haley burst through the door and ran to hug their friend.

“They’re so cute,” Olivia said adoringly, watching the kids chattering excitedly together as if they’d been separated for days.

“Can we play in the store, Dad?” Max asked, turning to his father.

“You can, but be very careful around the merchandise!”

“We will!” the kids promised, and scampered off to play around the shelves.

“Makes me nervous,” Corey murmured, watching the way they were running.

“They’re okay,” Olivia assured him soothingly, placing a hand on his arm. “They’re always careful. Besides, we’ll be out of here in a few minutes. You just have to finish closing up.”

He glanced at her adoringly. “You’re right.”

Caitlin smiled, feeling happy about how good for each other the two of them clearly were. It was sweet to see how Olivia steadied Corey and made him feel more at ease.

In another few minutes, Corey was ready to close up shop.

“Okay, kids, it’s time to go to the park,” he called from the front door. “Come on and put your coats and hats on.”

Whooping with enthusiasm, the kids hurried over to the front door, where Caitlin and Olivia helped them get their coats and hats and mittens on.