Page 91 of Broken Wolf

No, really, one demanded his money back if Greg didn’t keep up his end of the deal.

His money? He stole it all and committed major fraud. He wasn’t getting that somehow, his entitled brain seeing it all as his, and his parents were just in the way.

Seriously, it was hard not to give up on the world some days.

But it’s huge, huge cases. The ADA we know, Russ, called me on the side and asked me to request to work with him on the stuff that would go to him. This is that big of a deal, and he wants the high profile of it.

Normally, I would stay away from that stuff and not get involved in the politics, but Russ genuinely wants the power to do good. He’s tired of the bullshit and cases being passed over that should go to him because of politics or who’s daddy has clout.

Or gives the right donations.

Brian and I agree that he would be the best option for the next DA so yeah, I’m cool with giving him recommendations. I made it clear to the DA that I wanted him handling it with my people because a few others in his office have been less than thrilled to be near a slut wolf or stupid rich bitch.

And I wasn’t even making that up. The DA had made a crack that he didn’t realize that Russ and I had become such buddies and I got snippy. I told him we shared a trauma for flying, not having nooners like people in his office ran their mouths about. So yeah, I wanted the clean ADA who I trusted and was actually professional.

He wasn’t happy to hear that was what the FBI thought about his office, but the Chief of Police backed me up. Apparently, more than a few of the DA’s office had been a bit loud in their opinions of me saying they were glad I mostly worked with the AG’s office instead of them.

But also wondering if they could get a deal on an apartment if they were my friend like Havers did when he was human.

I made it clear that I expected him to handle his people better than that because if my people ever spoke about another office like that their asses would be grass. So what kind of leader was he?

Yeah, that might have been a bit much, but I was tired of the bullshit.

I had enough of that in my life already. Seriously.

Case in point, the humans who were working for Greg at the trailer park as jailers. He promised to make them all vamps which was hysterical since he was too young to do it and for a while. They weren’t happy to learn that.

Too bad, so sad.

They tossed the elderly out on the streets and kept others captive with bogus everything saying it would be a real facility. Yeah, I gave a shit about them never.

And they would never recover all of their belongings. Some maybe since they didn’t sell everything right away because they weren’t that dumb, but a lot they tossed that didn’t have monetary value.

But those were normally the things that meant the most to people.

It broke my heart, but at least we’ve found almost everyone who was evicted and they’re safe. We’re still missing two, but hopefully with all the press coverage we will find them soon.

At first, no one wanted to come in, but then once the news spread the trailer park was all fraud and shut down, the victims were flagging down any police officer to tell them who they were. The problem had been where to take them since a lot of them weren’t in the best of shape being on the street at their age and some for months.

The local hospitals couldn’t take that sudden influx, and now they didn’t have insurance. In a miracle of kindness, someone started a GoFundMe for the victims to get hospital care, and it was Dr. Sloan who called me to suggest the supe hospital could take care of them.

They had the beds and space if a human nurse or doctor could take an extra shift to help out for issues they shouldn’t handle as shifters. If the victims were willing to accept care from supes.

They were. Marie went on the news and made it clear that she was treated with great care and everyone was professional and gentle with her case.

Of course, she did. She had been out of the hospital for days already and staying at TimeQuake, but she inserted herself and made it clear the staff at the supe hospital were top-tier and knew who to call for human issues they weren’t used to.

I think it was the project she needed because I heard she was talking with several law offices about getting them to take pro bono cases. I think Laila is sending a few attorneys as well who are licensed in Illinois to help with the DeKalb cops’ suit.

They’re talking also about suing the doctor’s office that illegally declared them with medical conditions they don’t have and signed off on bullshit. Also, the law firm that handled all the court everything and was involved. It would all be punitive and civil… But yeah, drain them for all the money they have to recover what those people lost.

How much are they owed in suffering damages from living on the streets? Millions. To me, it would be millions.

But I don’t know the details, and I made it clear not to tell me and to keep me out of it. But yeah, Marie clearly needs to stay active, and this is her way to fight back? Phobie said it’s not an unhealthy response to what she’s been through but is worried that she might take it too far.

I’ll check in on her. From what I already know, Marie wants to sell her grandmother’s house once she gets it back. Marie said there’s just too many bad memories there now and it feels dark. She wants to start over once it’s all hers again.

I couldn’t agree more. I put her in touch with Simone and told her she could have her pick of apartment from any of my new buildings. Marie was shocked to learn about all of it since it wasn’t reported about, but I made it clear that we wanted it quiet.