I know that we succeeded tonight. Everything felt... well, the way it should. It was right, and I was strong and virile. Like she said, I soaked her in my seed. Now she’s filled with it, and surely my hatchling will start growing inside her soon. Just as powerfully as I’m certain we’ve created new life, I also know that this is where I’m meant to be—curled up with Sammy as we both dream.
Now how can I possibly convince her of the same?
This thought haunts me long into the night. I know she does not want the same thing I do. But I also don’t know if I can live without her now.
I know exactly where I am when I wake up. It’s warm, so warm, and I’m pressed tight against the cream-colored scales of Zak’s belly. His arms are wrapped around me, the tips of his claws resting gently on the surface of my skin. My knees are bent so that I’m straddling one of his haunches, as if he’s fully ensconced me. His long neck is curved around my head so I can see his face in my peripheral vision.
That’s how I notice the moment his eyes open. Those strange, lovely eyes, huge and yellow with those reptilian pupils... how have they become so seductive to me?
His eyelids lower when he sees me, and a gentle smile crosses his big snout. He squeezes me ever-so-slightly, and his long tail wraps around my thigh.
“Good morning, Sammy,” Zak says, voice barely above a whisper. I just want to kiss him all over, to hold him close to me, to stay wrapped up in him forever. I want to wake up like this every morning, his gentle fire burning close by, his arms and legs curled around me.
But we have an agreement, and this is already much too intimate. I’m getting attached—so very attached to him, and it will only make our separation more painful when this is all over.
I think of his parents, how they lived and loved and then died, and I pull away. Zakarion furrows his brow and raises his head as I clear my throat and start looking around for my clothes.
“They’re up in the main hall,” he says, as if he can read my mind. But he still looks concerned. “Are you all right, Sammy?”
“I’m fine!” I say, too brightly, too cheerily. I don’t want to bring down the good mood by telling him we’ve gotten too close, that I’m falling for him hard and I need to get out of here before I burrow back into that nest with him and tell him every last truth I feel.
That he’s mine. That I’m his. That I don’t want to live without him.
“I’m going to get my clothes, then,” I say, getting up to my feet. But before I can shuffle away, Zakarion wraps one big, clawed hand around my arm.
“Wait. Please.”
The please stops me in my tracks. I glance over my shoulder, worried by the solemn tone of his voice and the frown on his face.
“What is it?” I ask, keeping my wide smile on.
“Do you...” He swallows, his long throat undulating. “Do you care for me, Sammy?”
I’m completely taken aback by his question. Of course I care about him. This one dragon’s happiness means the world to me. That’s the only reason I’ve done this, after all. I care about him and about his species.
“What do you mean?” I ask, feeling affronted. “Why else would I be here?”
Zak flinches. “That is a different kind of caring,” he says, his grip loosening. “Me, as Zakarion. How do you feel about me?”
Oh. I think I understand what he’s asking now. And I don’t have a good answer.
Regardless of how I feel, I can’t care about him that way—the way he’s asking. The kindest thing I can do for him is to give him a long and fruitful life with his future child. I have to stick to the plan.
“You are a wonderful friend,” I begin. That’s what he is: the best friend I’ve ever had. I’ve gotten closer to him in these last few months than I ever have with anyone, and I hope that when the hatchling is born, we can stay in touch.
I see the moment the words strike him like a blunt weapon. Zakarion’s eyes squeeze closed, and his hand falls away. I try to backpedal, reaching out to him, but he flinches backwards.
“I really do care about you,” I say, hating the look on his face. “I enjoy all of our time together, Zak. But we made rules about this, and we can’t?—”
“Stop calling me that,” he says suddenly, turning his head away, eyes still clamped shut.
I fall still. “Stop calling you... what?”