Page 27 of Bred By the Dragon

Zak flashes me a smile in return, and I resist the urge to lean up and kiss his snout. He’s perfect, really—the best lover I’ve ever had by miles.

I will genuinely be sad when this works.


I remain lodged inside Sammy for some time, just enjoying the feel of her even as my cocks start to recede. Finally, I pull free, and they both retreat back into my body.

“That’s so neat,” she says as I help her to her feet. My seed drips down her thighs in an extremely lovely way. “I’ll never get tired of how cool it is.”

I’m proud that she finds me interesting and attractive. It’s as if she truly sees me—my body and what’s inside it.

We spend another hour lying together in the grass, just talking. It’s easy to lose myself in conversation with her.

“How old are you?” she asks. Then she bites her lip. “Sorry if that was an insensitive question.”

I shake my head. “Not at all. Nearly three hundred, in another two years.”

“So you’ve been around for every major modern event?” She strokes her chin thoughtfully. My tail has wrapped itself around her ankle of its own accord, but she doesn’t seem to mind.

“It depends on what you mean by ‘modern,’ but for the most part, yes. That doesn’t mean much, though. I have spent most of my life at my mountain. Dragons generally do not participate in the world’s activities.”

She nods in understanding. “You keep to yourselves.”

“Yes. Though we will venture out in times of peace to explore, to discover new things.” I sigh. “I only went on one tour myself. Typically, dragons go on a tour to visit their kinfolk around the world, during which time we would seek out partners. But all the dragons my parents knew were dead, so I had no one to visit.”

Sammy’s mouth tilts down on both sides. “What? All dead? Oh, Zak. That’s terrible.”

I wistfully shake my head. “It is how it is. Luckily, since then I have had a chance to connect with others, thanks to the internet.” I laugh. “One of those modern conveniences I have come to appreciate.”

Next to me, I sense Sammy shivering. She is naked out here, after all, so I pull her in closer to my chest, where I make my fire.

“Oh, wow!” Her eyes fly wide. “You’re so warm!”

I chuckle. “I am a dragon.”

She smiles brightly as she curls in tighter, and her eyes close in pleasure. “That’s so nice. My personal heater.” As I laugh again, she giggles. “Your whole body rumbles when you do that,” she says.

It’s when I pull a curl away from her face and try to tuck it behind her ear, but it springs free, that I realize I love her.

Reflexively, I release her, and all my muscles tense. I’m not supposed to feel this way, certainly about a human I barely know. But the sensation of it is so powerful, I know the truth immediately.

Sammy furrows her brow. “Are you okay, Zak?” she asks.

“I...” I don’t know what to say. She was very clear with me about the terms of this. I have to nip this in the bud, so my feelings can’t grow any stronger. Cuddling with her in her front yard will not help towards that end. “I should go,” I finally tell her.

All the joy falls from Sammy’s face. “Oh.” Her eyes drop down to the ground. “Okay. Yeah. I guess that’s good.”

She gets up quickly and puts her clothes back on. It’s clear that I’ve hurt her, which is not what I wanted to do. I’m only trying to respect her wishes and her boundaries, and now I wish I could take those words back.

I rise up onto two feet and set a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Sammy.”

When she turns around, she has that familiar bright, fake smile on her face. “I understand. This is the right thing to do. Thank you for showing me such a nice time tonight.”

Her mask is back on. My cocks shrivel inside me.

“O-of course,” I say, hesitant. “I could say the same for you.”

“I’ll call you when I take a test next week, okay?” Her voice is cheery, and strangely hard.