“Finally,” I say, stretching my neck and my fingers. “I can touch you. I’ve always wanted to touch you.”
His eyes get much bigger as his cocks begin to extrude, the twin heads pressed against one another until they’re free of the pocket, and there, they spring apart—one pointing upward, the other downward, in that perfect way that stimulates me no matter which cock I take.
Two for the price of one.
I hover there, not quite touching him, and glance up. Here I was just talking about professionalism.
“Can I touch them?” I ask. I want to get him good and turned on before we do the deed—not to mention that I’ve always wanted to get up close and personal with his equipment, if it weren’t for that damn table.
He gives me a sharp nod. “Please,” he answers with a huff of hot air, smoke escaping his nostrils.
I close the distance between me and those two swollen, red cocks, and gently take the upper one in my hand. Now I can get a really good look at it, covered in the gentle nubs that feel like heaven when he fucks me, the smooth crown with the lip and no foreskin. I drag my hand downward, over the textured bumps, to the swell farther down.
“Oh hell,” Zakarion grunts, pitching forward. He grips the edge of the lawn table like the tiny thing is holding him up. I stroke again, and beads of white form at the slit on each of his cocks. Sliding my hand from head to base, squeezing when I reach the swell like I imagine my pussy does around him, causes him to groan and his whole body to shiver underneath me.
But I can take it up a notch. If this is doing it for him...
I lean down and lick the white stuff right off.
“Sammy?” he asks, a hint of concern in his voice. Instead of answering, though, I lick again, and his hips snap forward, shoving his cock into my mouth. This time I take the whole head, then I raise my other hand to his lower cock so I’m double-fisting him.
“Fuck,” Zakarion moans, the table creaking as he puts his weight on it. “That’s incredible.”
I swallow even more, then drag my lips back up to the tip again, sucking in while I do it. He’s so responsive that I want to torture him even more, so I begin moving my hands in unison, dragging up and down along both his lengths while I take that massive cock into my mouth. I can barely reach the halfway point, though, before he’s too wide to fit.
How on earth do I take this thing inside me?
“Sammy,” Zakarion says abruptly, sounding choked. “Stand up.”
Curious, I release him and do what he says, getting to my feet. Suddenly, his huge hands scoop me up, then seat me gently on the table, which is cold and hard under my ass. Zakarion hovers over me, his long neck bent to bring his snout near my face. He yanks my legs apart, exposing me to the backyard. His cocks are both pulsing, both hungry for me, both calling my name.
“I’m not going to waste it in your mouth,” he says, panting. “I have to put it inside you.”
I nod rapidly, and raise my hips up towards him, asking for what we both want. He guides his lower cock into me this time, the cone-shaped head easily slipping through my layers. His claws have found their way through the iron swirls on the table, and he grips them tight as he slides in deeper, reuniting with me again.
That’s what this feels like, as Zakarion’s eyes hover half-lidded, his big jaws open while his upper cock drags over my clit: coming back somewhere I belong. Drool pools at the base of his fangs as he pushes in, taking his time, like he always does.
This is what happens when you have sex with a creature that’s hundreds of years old. He knows how to take his time.
“Zakarion,” I manage to say as he begins to spread me wide, then retreats again. “Fuck me like you mean it.”
At first, his yellow eyes get big, but then a smile curls his lip, revealing white, sharp teeth.
“Oh, I’ll fuck you until you scream.”
I’m mesmerized as my lower cock slips into her, and that tiny, dark brown slit of hers opens wide for me. I fist my upper cock in one hand to apply pressure as I slide it over her clit, and her hips reflexively buck under mine.
“Please,” she begs, her heels hooking over my hips. “More. More.”
I can’t deny her anything, so I push even deeper, and miraculously her tiny body fits me inside it. I sag forward on the table, my testicles already aching, tingles of pleasure spidering out from where we’re connected to every last one of my scales. Sammy lets out a cry, and I’m glad that her neighbors are a good distance away as I pull out of her, then slam back in again. Her tight sheath stimulates every last nub on my cock, and I groan as I shove myself farther into her, letting her swallow me.
This is the way it should be, I can feel it in my bones. Her wet heat pulsing around me, squeezing me, her big, brown breasts bouncing each time I yank my cock out and then thrust it back into her again.
Friends. Sammy made it clear to me what she wants, and I should want it, too. I will long outlive her, as will our hatchling. It makes no sense to bond, to have any more than friendship, or it will inevitably end in heartbreak for me.