“We might have to put together a special setup for the dragon,” I overheard someone say as I was unstrapped and helped down from the bench. “So it can stand up to him.”
Something about that strength is... incredibly hot. A beast with that much size and power, who can still be gentle and sweet and care for his partner’s pleasure? I’m a sucker.
But as one week drags by since our last visit, and then two, a stone settles in my stomach. Still a negative result. How long can we keep doing this? When is he going to decide it’s no longer worth it?
At least in the meantime, I’m good at keeping myself occupied. My house is falling apart, and it’s needed repairs for some time—ones that I definitely couldn’t pay for on top of student loans. In the meantime, though, I’ve learned some handyman skills from watching videos online, and I’ve started making much-needed updates to my house, replacing rotting wood and saving up for some new windows.
Now, I have much more time for my friends, who always complained before that I never went out with them. These days we see each other every weekend, going dancing, or hiking, or simply lounging in the backyard when the weather’s nice. My friends Jared and Sarah, who have been together since we were all in college, are fascinated by my stories about the dragon—but now there’s a complication.
I wonder if they’ll assign me to a different monster when he finally gives up.
“They said it’s not uncommon for it to take a while, right?” Sarah asks. “He won’t pull out yet.” Then all of us cackle.
I hope she’s right, and he keeps believing this is worth it.
I spend far too much time sorting through the hoard, trying to decide which priceless treasure I value the least. After much agonized deliberation, I finally choose one: a gold necklace studded with rubies that was acquired sometime during the Renaissance.
Then I head back to the city, toward the seedier part of town where I can find Rodney’s shop. Here everything is tucked very close together, and I need to be careful with my broad wings as I descend to the street. When I land with a thump, I terrify a pair of goblins who look like they’re on a date.
I have to stoop to get in through Rodney’s door, where he sits behind his glass counter, sharpening his nails. He jumps up when he sees me, eagerness glittering in his little beady eyes.
“My favorite customer,” he croons, his tiny, red body slithering up over the counter to stand on top of it. His long, spaded tail swishes back and forth in wide arcs. “What do you have today?”
Reluctantly I bring out the necklace. I don’t hand it over right away, though, dangling it in front of him just out of his reach. Rodney frowns as his little hands grab at it.
“Fifty thousand,” I say by way of greeting.
The imp physically flinches, and rocks back on his heels. “Greedy today, dragon?” he asks, twirling his tail around one finger. “There’s no way I’ll pay that for this.”
“These are whole rubies. Huge ones. Even if you scrapped the necklace, each of those jewels is worth ten.”
He just shakes his head. “Twenty or nothing. This is going to be a bitch to find a buyer for, and I’ll be running a real risk.”
We argue like that, same as we always do, until he settles on thirty-five. Then he swipes the necklace out of my hands and bites down on the jewel to test it before dishing out my money.
This should be enough to last me a little while, at least.
Stashing my cash in my backpack, I head back to my house in town. This is where I’ll wait for the phone call from DreamTogether—either telling me that we’ve succeeded, and my surrogate is pregnant... or that I’ll have to go back again.
Though every appointment forces a harder and harder choice about which of my valuables to part with, I’m thrilled at the prospect of seeing my woman again. I don’t know how long this can possibly last, but DreamTogether seems happy to take my cash—and I’m happy to keep coming in and trying.
Either we conceive a hatchling eventually, or I get to fuck my wonderful woman forever.
When my phone rings and the caller ID tells me it’s from DreamTogether, all my muscles clench up. I answer it, hoping it’s not what I fear.
“This call is to confirm your appointment for next Thursday,” the robo-call says, and relief cascades through me. He wants to see me again.
The morning of my appointment, I spend a good two hours taking a shower and then putting product in my hair to get the very best shining, bouncing curls that I can. I even put on makeup, though the dragon can’t see my face. I use lotion all over, so my legs and butt are as smooth as possible. I know how much he likes to squeeze me everywhere, as if he enjoys the sight of my rather plentiful butt bulging between his claws.
He appreciates how I look, when most of the time human men find me intimidating. I’m tall, Black, smart, and once upon a time, a business owner. They can’t handle me—but the dragon can.
Honestly, with how thoroughly he fucks me once a month, I’ve found myself with very little interest in my own kind anyway.