Page 44 of Bred By the Dragon

My dragon.


My Sammy, her big breasts bouncing underneath me, her swollen belly jiggling with every thrust of my hips—how I love her. Looking into those bright, dark brown eyes of hers, taking in all the unguarded adoration plain on her face...

Oh, hell. I’m done.

My whole body seizes, and I’m muttering apologies as my cocks both swell up. I thrust into Sammy with wild abandon, and she cries out as I shove myself deep, and then, I burst. But I know she’s close, so I grit my teeth and keep driving into her, all while smothering my sensitive upper cock against her clit. My seed is pouring out of her, squelching loudly as I fuck her as hard as I can, pushing through how over-sensitive both my cocks are. As I pound into her over and over, my claws gripping the carpet, her eyes roll back into her head. She screams out, “Zak!”

Then Sammy clamps down hard around me, her mouth wide open. She’s so tight and so slick that stars pop in front of my eyes. Somehow, my whole body tightens up, and I roar as I unleash a second time, tearing the carpet out with my claws. My climax is even bigger than before, a monstrous wave that envelops both of us and drags us out to sea.

I have to hold myself up on my elbows so I don’t crush her, panting as hard as I am. Sammy is gasping with her exertion, too, and eventually her big eyes open again.

She smiles shyly. “Wow. That was amazing.” She slides her hand up my snout to my cheek, and I can’t help nuzzling it in return.

“You are amazing,” I tell her, trying my best to kiss her small lips. It feels so good just to kiss Sammy, and I never realized how much I craved this intimacy with her.

Eventually, I’m able to slip my cocks free, and soon they both retract into my slit once more, vanishing. Sammy grins widely.

“So cool,” she murmurs, then pulls me in close to her. It’s a feeble gesture with how much bigger I am, but I pretend that she’s able to do it, and curl myself around her small body. I place one big hand over the hatchling growing in her belly, and know I’m right where I’m supposed to be.



We waste no time in moving forward. We both want the same thing—to sleep together every night, to enjoy each other’s company, to raise our hatchling together—and so that night, we gather up my essentials into a backpack, and fly back together toward Zakarion’s mountain. I hold onto his neck tight as we fly, soaking up his warmth, and he strokes my arm with one clawed hand as he carries us over the mountain range.

When we land, though, I’m surprised to find that his hoard has shrunk dramatically.

“How much have you given away?” I ask, a little horrified to see so much of it gone.

Zakarion shrugs. “I have been making an inventory and providing it to that gryphon from the Department of Antiquities, and they tell me which items have cultural or historical significance.” He wrinkles his nostrils as he picks up a small notebook. “Still don’t like that guy much, though.”

When he hands me the notebook, I open it to find more than just a list. Each page contains a detailed history of some item from Zak’s hoard—which of his family members acquired it, and how long it had been a part of the collection. He’s written what he can about not just each item, but those who loved them. The pages detail how his mother loved art, how his grandfather had an affinity for rubies; all memories of those who have long passed.

“I realized that what was important to me was the connection it gave me to the past,” Zakarion says, looking wistfully at what remains of his hoard. “Not the objects themselves. I will pass this on to my hatchling, so they can know and remember, too. Then the memories will never be lost.”

I pass back the notebook, and he clutches it to his chest before placing it on a stand nearby.

“You’ve done a good thing,” I tell him, stroking his arm. “You’ve changed the world and made it a better place.”

He offers me a sad smile. “I hope so. Though what truly makes everything better is having you here.”

I can’t help but swoon. Suddenly, Zakarion hefts me into his arms, and I squeak and grab him around the neck. His chest rumbles as he chuckles.

“Where are we going?” I ask, my backpack still sitting on the floor.

“To our room,” he says. “Where I’ve been wanting to make love to you since I met you.”

A romantic, my dragon. I bury my face in his warm chest as he carries me down to the room with the curtain, and fulfills his promise of telling me with his body just how much he loves me.

Zakarion painstakingly carries most of my belongings from my house to the mountain, making multiple trips to ferry all of my most important possessions. “I want you to feel at home,” he said when I objected to how much he was bringing with him. “I want you to know that all of this is yours, too.”

I want to say it’s the hormones that makes me tear up when he talks tells me these things, but I know it’s not just that. His heart is so big and so tender, I feel as if I’ve been given a precious gift.

And damn, the view. I don’t know if I’ll ever get over it. In the mornings, Zakarion lights the fire under the kettle for me, and I make decaf coffee in the french press. Then we sit together on the ledge that overlooks the mountain range, fog rising up and dissipating as the morning sun peeks in. On mornings like that, I curl up against Zak’s warm body, and he wraps an arm around me, resting his thumb across my swollen belly.

I love it out here, so far from civilization. The night sky is vast and unmarred, the air silent save for the occasional animal call. I buy groceries every week in the city, but Zakarion hunts a good bulk of our food, which is wonderful when some red, barely-cooked meat is all my body wants right now. I’m getting big and bulky these days, and the hunger grows more ever-present.