When I don’t give much of a reaction, the dragon rises back to his hind legs, and studies me with his head tilted.
“Well?” I ask, nodding toward the adjustment lever.
His frown deepens, but he does what I ask, tilting the table so he can better climb on top of me. This time, there’s no begging. There’s no dirty talk. That frown remains on his face as he takes his upper cock this time and fits the tip inside me.
Oh, does he feel good. But I try to keep it out, to wall myself off from how incredible he feels, how intimate this is, and keep my head turned.
Suddenly, he slows down. When I look at him, his expression is one of deep worry.
Then he pulls out.
“What is it?” I ask, growing concerned myself. “Am I not doing a good job?
He backs away from the table. “You’re not here.” He shakes his head, and looks away from me. “I can’t do this if you’re not here.”
Fuck. Is he going to... fire me?
“I am,” I say, with as much sincerity as I can muster. “I am here. Right here, and you’re going to fill me up with a hatchling, right?”
The dragon studies me with those piercing yellow eyes and the long, black pupils. His nostrils flare, then, with a sigh, he nods. He clambers back onto the table, and this time, he doesn’t look at me either as he fucks me.
He still feels so good, but the sizzle has evaporated between us. We go for a long time while he tries to make me orgasm, and eventually, I do, as unnecessary as it is. Then he releases inside me with a low grunt. Very little come trickles out of his upper cock where it lies over my belly.
Once he’s regained his breath, the dragon pulls out and gets back off the table, using the lever to return it to its original position. His shoulders are slumped as his cocks retreat back into their place inside him. He didn’t gush inside me, like he usually does. Only a few drops leak out when the table tips me forward again.
“Thank you,” I tell him, smiling. He doesn’t return it.
His lips are turned down and his brow is furrowed as he finally says, “Well, next time, then?”
I nod in agreement, and he waves at me weakly, then vanishes out the door.
My human was someone else today, and I didn’t like it. Not at all.
It was as if she had carved a wooden cut-out of herself and left it in her place. There was no magic, no affection, just professional politeness. Even when I teased her body the way she likes, she wouldn’t look at me.
As I leave DreamTogether and spread my wings, I wonder what I’ve done wrong. I launch into the air and fly home, my heart sinking deep into my gut.
Has she changed her mind? Does she no longer want to do this?
Does she dislike me for something I don’t remember doing?
That night, I curl up in the bedroom of my house, where I moved out the bed and built a nest from some blankets and pillows instead. There, I go over everything that happened today, and everything that happened last time, to try to deduce where I misstepped. But I don’t know where I crossed an unmarked line. What made her put on that fake, shallow version of herself, when I know there’s so much more underneath?
I feel dirty all over for how I took her today. It was a transaction, nothing more, and she made that clear enough.
That’s when I realize that I’m an idiot. A fucking idiot.
I was the one who thought this meant more to her than just a job, but that’s clearly not the case. She’s being paid to be there, to be my vessel. That’s all this is, and I was a fool to think it was anything else. She was just trying to tell me that.
It takes eons for me to fall asleep, and it’s bright and early the next morning when I get a call.
“What is it?” I ask, yawning as I hold the tiny phone to my ear.
“Zakarion?” says a man on the other end, with a gruff, deep voice. “Is this the dragon, Zakarion?”
“Yes, that’s me.” I yawn again and climb out of my nest, stretching my neck and tail as far as I can. “What is it?”