Page 59 of Lost Treasure

Narro tutted.“That’s a shame. It should be corrected rapidly.”

Kekoa blinkedand smiled slowly. “It should, but I think tonight she needs hersleep. Today has been hard on her, mated, blocked, and matedagain.”

“And theneating hormone-packed birds.” Hara muttered, “Yeah, I am due for anap.”

She looked tothe group from Emerald. “Thanks so much for coming to help.”

Ven smiled.“It’s nice to have someone else in the neighbourhood. Or accessibleby helicopter. Whatever.”

Narro said,“Would you like me to transport you home?”

“Thank you, butthe helicopter is waiting.” Syar smiled. “Mort wants to get back tohis lady, so he has to head home.”

Ven got up andhugged them all. “Thanks again.”

They ruffledher hair, stroked her cheek, and said their farewells to everyoneelse. When they were gone, the kittens pushed against her legs, andshe smiled at the feeling of being full again.

“Right. I amgoing to sleep. You all enjoy dinner. I am going to have my ownprivate coma.”

Narro murmured,“I will come with you.”

“Despite metiring you out, you have to be signed into the pack as well. Idon’t want any more ambiguity.”

He nodded andsmiled. “Yes, my treasure.”

Kek got up andhugged her, and Alohi hugged her and kissed her softly. She headedup the steps and left her dishes behind. She was trying to breakher housekeeper habits.

Tomorrow, shewas going to start learning local dances, and then she would lookinto opening a studio in the tourist area. Some people liked topick up new skills with new partners on vacation. It made thingsmore memorable.

Chapter Ten

Six weeks after thosefew riotous days, Hara was standing with her hands on her hips, andshe watched the beach crew finish the last of the polishing. Shehad local instructors, an incoming travel blogger, and severalvacationers who recognized her from her national wins and wanted tolearn.

Hara looked atNarro and Kek. They looked great mopping the floor, but she hadsworn never to share the picture. It was currently Alohi’s lockscreen.

A soft knockgot her attention, and Hara walked over. “I’m sorry. We aren’tquite open yet; I haven’t buffed the alphas.” She squinted into thelight of the late morning, and a familiar voice spoke.

“That is acritical point to the process. You should get on that, Hara.” Thechuckle was the dealbreaker.

Hara rushed outand felt concern in her links. “Amby?”

“You’ve got it,cuz.” Ambermarle Dillard stood there with a backpack, sunburn onher nose, and a cheeky grin. Amby was tall and curvy, and alphas inthe distance were locked onto the presentation of her seriouslyimpressive ass in leggings.

“Amby, what areyou doing here?”

“Vloggingaround the islands. It’s a project that Ford got in his ear, andapparently, Emerald, Wonder, and the other islands in this chainhave very specific festivals and attractions, so I am hereexperiencing life for the first time ever.” She smiled. “I am notgoing to partake of these offerings, but I can advertise theparties and such.”

“Wait, what doyou mean experiencing life.”

Amby shrugged.“You weren’t the only one they did it to. I can actually walk witha full stride now. It’s amazing what we begin to feel is normalwhen we are told it is.”

Hara’s eyeswatered, and she hugged her cousin. “I am so sorry.”

“I would sayit’s fine, but I had to give a deposition. Anyway, that is how yourfriend Ford found me. He tortured me into giving him some tracks,and when that was done, he asked me if I wanted to travel. I saidsure, and he mentioned that this is where you were, so of course, Icame. I have gotten some great footage during my layover onEmerald. Wanna see?”

Hara gasped.“Of course. Wait. Why are you here?”

“I am doing thevlog on your new dance studio. Treasure Dance. Your instructorshave to teach me to dance, island style. They have five days, whichis the average time that folks spend here on the island, and whilethat is going on, I have to climb a cliff, go to a butterflygarden, and swim in the ocean.”