“Yes. She’s mycounterpart. Whatever it takes, I will do it.”
Ven movedaround to face Haravin. “Hara?”
“Yes, Ven?”
“Would you likeit if Narro were one of your alphas?”
Hara shiveredat the thought. “Only if he wants to. He was very popular with theother betas on set. If he doesn’t want me, I can just hang out atthe bottom of the lagoon until I am needed for something. I don’twant to be in the way.”
Kek crouched infront of her. “Would having him make you happy?”
“I don’t know.”She stared at him, and Alohi made a sound like a sob. “Are youunwell?”
Ven muttered,“I am fucking ordering an alpha... and send.”
Alohiswallowed. “What happened?”
Reynaldo saidquietly, “Her emotions were stretching and linking to Kekoa’s. Thatprocess takes place while the mark heals. With the extra biteexactly over the alpha’s mark, it severed the link before it had achance to develop, so her mind is scrambling around trying to finda connection, and it can’t find anything. Basically, she has beenemotionally blinded. She’s good at self-soothing, so she has gonecold. The other option recorded is for her to go mad. I think shemade the right choice.”
Syar sat nextto Haravin and took her hand. The kittens tumbled toward her, andshe scratched under their chins mechanically.
Now, she had towait to find out what happened next.
Chapter Nine
The dark, swirlingvortex got Kekoa’s attention, and he moved forward to block theenergy coming through. Instead of energy, Narro walked through, hisgaze taking in the situation.
He walked toHaravin’s side and knelt. “Hello, Hara.”
“I hear you arenot feeling well.”
“I am notfeeling anything.”
“But you stillworked to save your alpha and omega.”
She shrugged.“They were supposed to be mine, and now... aren’t. If I remember mycourse on links, this means that I will either go nuts or slowlydie because my life force is draining away. Which do you think Ishould choose?”
He smiled andstroked her cheek. “I think you should choose me. I am the thirdoption.”
“I don’t wantto be a burden.”
“I know. Youwouldn’t be a burden. You would be my precious jewel.”
“But I amKekoa’s counterpart.”
“When I linkwith you, his mark will open again, and we will all bestronger.”
She nodded.“Okay.”
Narro smiled ather, his red-purple eyes sparkling. He glanced at Kekoa. “Where canI take her?” He picked her up.
“Come withme.”
Kek walkedthrough the house and brought them to a room that was separate fromthe royal quarters.
“Oh. I guess Iam not your beta anymore.” She mumbled it, and Kek lookedstricken.