Page 49 of Lost Treasure

Alohi sat up.“Kek is your anchor point.”

“He reallyisn’t.” She shrugged. “A baby might, but that is a long way away ifI keep avoiding poultry.”

She tidied upand got more water for them. “You should be up and around in a fewminutes. The water will speed recovery. Kek probably won’t be inthe mood for sex for a day or two. Sorry, Alohi.”

She stood up.“King Syar is here, along with Ven and Reynaldo. She brought somekittens for here.”

Kek swallowed.“They brought kittens?”

“Yes. Babyblack cats. They are cute with really big paws.”

Alohi blinked.“Wait. How did they get here? Did you call them?”

“No, they metme at the ferry on their island and flew me back here.”

Kek blinked.“Wait. What? Why were you on a ferry?”

“Thehousekeeper had me deported because I don’t have a visitor’s visa.Or any kind of visa.” She chuckled. “Seems I go halfway around theworld, and alphas are the same.”

She got up andfelt roaring and twisting in her mark. There was a lot of outragein the reaction. She returned to the kitchen with the ice bowl anddumped it.

“They are goingto need something moisture heavy to flush their systems. A soup ora stew alongside their meal.”

The staff hadbeen eyeing her warily, and she said softly, “Get started, or Iwill, and then you will be out of work.”

They startedmoving.

She sighed andleft to join her guests in the throne room. “Thank you, guys, somuch for coming to the rescue. Kek and Alo are both up and gettingback to themselves. Each has had a litre of fluids, and I got Kekmad, so that should speed his recovery.”

Reynaldo wasplaying with the kittens. His hands were occupied with black fur.“That will work, but how does your mark feel?”

“Like someoneis cursing me out from half a block away.”

He blinked.“Oh. But you can still hear him, right?”

“I can feelhim, not hear. It’s getting quieter now.” She smiled. “It’s gettingfurther away.”

Ven nodded.“It’s okay. What do you need?”

“Food? I amsuper hangry right now.”

Ven smiled. “Isthere anything in the kitchen that you want?”

“No. I had theapple they gave me earlier. It was green and gave me reflux.”

“Right. Whydon’t you go out and get some street food from the mainstreet?”

“No money.”

Reynaldo handedthe kittens to Ven and Syar. “I will take her, and I will get youguys something.”

Reynaldooffered his hand, and she took it. They walked out of the palaceand down the hill toward the town.

“Hara, this isa rough start.”

“That is a fairassessment.”

“Are you surethat this is the place for you?”