Page 47 of Lost Treasure

“It was markedlike this.” She showed the image that Ven had sent her. For KingKekoa’s Beta. Betas only. Toxic to Alphas. Complete with askull and crossbones on it.

“Make sure yougo in person and tell him that you have ejected me from theisland.”

The ferry waspulling in, and a group of folks who looked eager to begin theirholidays poured in.

The officersthankfully stayed with her until the ferry was clear. One of theofficers spoke to the captain, and they settled her near the frontof the vessel, loaded up, and then were on their way back toEmerald Island.

She called Alo,but there was no answer. His body was dealing with the high dose ofestrogen and progesterone that the birds contained.

She called Venand told her what was going on, so everything was in place twohours later when the ferry arrived. The phones out here really didhave a solid signal.

King Syar andhis alpha, Reynaldo, were waiting for her. Ven was in thehelicopter, and she had two kittens with her as well as some carepackages. Greetings were made, and they loaded into the helicopter,where the pilot took off, and they headed back to the WonderIslands.

She had to wakeup her sleeping beauties before the nap turned into a coma.

The helicopterlowered them into the open green space next to the palace. Reynaldobrought the med kit, and Ven took a royal fowl and brought thekittens.

Syar wasstalking forward and said to the housekeeper, “Where is KingKekoa?”

The womanspluttered, “He’s resting with his omega.” She leaned forward andwhispered, “I think he may be going into heat soon.”

“He isn’t. He’sgoing to start kidney failure in a few hours if we don’t starttreatment. When something comes in addressed for a beta. Read thefucking page!” He roared. It was impressive from an omega.

Haravin walkedtoward the house.

The housekeeperstretched her arms out. “What is she doing here? She wasdeported.”

Reynaldo pushedpast the housekeeper. “She is an attaché of Emerald Islands and hasdiplomatic immunity. Stand aside.”

The housekeeperstumbled to the side, and they walked quickly through the house andup to the second floor. The two were still there and breathingshallowly.

“How heavy doyou think Kek is?” Reynaldo was measuring something in asyringe.


“Close enough.Alohi?”




“Good. If ittakes an extra day, it takes an extra day.”

He rubbedalcohol on Kek’s butt and jabbed the larger load of the twoneedles. He did the same to Alohi. “They will come up in a fewminutes. Do you want to be here?”

“Uh, I don’tknow?”

“Why aren’t youout?”

“Didn’t eat it.There was only enough for two, and I eat last. Protocol.”

“No, the linkshould have had an effect on you. They got sleepy, so you shouldhave gotten sleepy.”

She sighed. “Iwasn’t sure where to go, so to keep from waking them up, I blockedthe link.”

“You can dothat?”