Page 45 of Lost Treasure

She felt themovements and tried to listen through the link to figure out whatthey felt like, but theirs was a long-standing relationship, anddespite him moving inside her, she didn’t feel like she wasinvolved.

Kek groaned,and Alo whined and shuddered, spilling into her once more.

She had had herfun, so it was only right they had theirs.


When they moved awayfrom Haravin, she got up and went to clean up. Her legs wobbled,but she made it. She cleaned up and sighed before going back to thebedroom where Kek and Alo were curled together and napping.

Poor boys weretired.

She got dressedand brushed her hair, lifting her head as she heard a slight politescratch at the door.

She opened thedoor and retrieved the tray that had been left.

She put it on alow table, and despite being hungry, she didn’t eat.

Hara wanted tojoin the pile of bodies, but she wasn’t sure where to fit in.

She lookedaround in the cupboards and found spare sheets. It was twentyminutes before Kek opened his eyes, and Alo groaned under him. Shesmiled. “You two shower. I will change the bedding, and then foodis waiting.”

Kek got up,lifted Alo, and carried him to the bathroom.

She changed thesheets efficiently and pulled the previous ones into a waddedball.

They returnedfrom the shower and fell on the food with good appetites.

She pushed downher hunger and just sat silently nearby when they both sat back.“Is there any left?”

Kek chuckled.“As usual, they sent just the right amount. It was special. Did youlike it?”

She cocked herhead. “I didn’t get any. You eat, then Alo eats, and then I eat.There isn’t anything left. I will take the tray to the kitchen andsee if I can get something there.”

She smiled, gotthe tray arranged, and lifted it. There was a stunned effect on hersenses right now, and she didn’t know why.

She carried itout, walked to the kitchen, and delivered the tray. She stood inthe doorway, and finally, a woman smiled. “Oh, thank you. So, didthey like it?”

“They did. Theypronounced it perfect for them.” She inclined her head. “Is theresome fruit or cold meat around? My appetite is a little larger thanI anticipated.”

The womannodded. “Of course. Alo’s portion had some of the royal birds fromEmerald Island. They started sending them as gifts thismorning.”

“That is verynice for him.”

“It is saidthat if they are eaten, they will help with alpha pregnancies.”

“I am sure theywill be helpful. May I have some fruit, please?”

An apple waspressed into her hands, and she tore it apart in seconds. Herstomach eased, and she found the compost bin and deposited thecore. She washed her hands, but it seemed there wasn’t any meatavailable. She would have to wait until dinner. Maybe she could gointo the lagoon and catch some fish.

She tried touse the link, but it was muffled. She had done something wrong.Hara sighed and headed upstairs and found Kek and Alo cuddledtogether and napping again.

She movedaround and found her phone and her new phone. She transferred anumber from her old phone and crept out of the palace to make acall.

She smiled atthe familiar cheetah-spotted features. “Hey, Ven!”

“Haravin!You are looking... not great. Have you gotten the fowl? It’s reallyimportant.”

“Fowl? Theroyal birds? Oh, no. They aren’t for me. They are for the omega,Alohi.”