Page 32 of Lost Treasure

Alohi sighed.“Get back on that chair and get some sleep. You need it.”

She frowned.“That’s what I am doing.”

“I mean thespot you were just in a moment ago so that we can take a nap.” Heflipped the arms up and made a wide bed, pushing the seatsback.

She swayed, andhe settled on the bed with his back against the wall, and Kekoacame in. He eased her toward Alohi, and she stumbled beforeclimbing onto the omega and putting her head on his chest.

Kekoa chuckledand lay next to them, pressing his chest to her back and wrappinghis arm over them both. The sedative swamped her, and she fellasleep as the middle of the sandwich.

She smelledcoffee and heard a slurp next to her ear. She hummed and started topush her way to sitting. Alohi looked different. She blushed andtried to push away from Kek. “Oh. I am sorry.”

He smiledslightly and offered her coffee, pressing the cup to her lips. “Weare going to be home in an hour.”

“Oh. I shouldwake up then.” She sipped at the coffee.

Kekoa nodded.“Good idea.”

She drank thewhole cup of sweetened coffee and fought the urge to collapse onhim again. He took the cup from her hand and stroked her back untilshe was lying across him.

“So, when weget home, I have to put through your residency visa.”

She was goingto look up, but he had his enormous hand on her head. She rubbedher cheek against his chest.

“How are youfeeling?”


“That is sothat you don’t tear the healing tissues.”

“I know.” Shelay against him until she felt a little stronger.

“So, I willissue your permanent resident visa, Alohi has arranged someclothes, and when you are ready to learn about your new country, wewill be ready to take you for a tour.”

“Alohi keepsmentioning a beach. Do you have beaches?”

He chuckled.“We have beaches. The main island is a tourist destination. Themining that we have is on our smallest island.”

He rumbled on,but she dozed off again. There was no way she could remain awakewith the heat of him under her.

She was beingcarried. The air was warm, and her passport was checked. She liftedher head, and Kekoa talked softly to the customs officer. There wasa congratulations mentioned, and Kekoa chuckled. “Now we arecomplete.”

Hara squirmedand looked up at him. “Where did my friend go?”

“Oh, the otherbeta? She’s on the way to the ferry.”

“Oh. Good.”

“She had Alohiput her number into your phone.”

Haravin smiled.“Good. How did you get my phone open?”

“It’s a new onethat was waiting for you here. We have a different service here,and I don’t want you incurring any odd bills.”

“Oh. Thank you.I can walk.”

“I am trying togive you a little more healing time.” He pressed a kiss to herforehead.

“Where isAlohi?”