“Yeah. I stillhave abs. Wanna see?”
Olly held herhand when she would have pushed the sheet down.
Alohi chuckledand put his hand over hers. “Show and tell can wait for anothertime, but I appreciate the enthusiasm.”
She looked atwhat her hand was doing and said, “Ohhh.”
Alohi cuddledher close and kissed her neck. She giggled.
He smiled.“This is a nice change.”
Olly smoothedher fingers against Haravin’s cheek. “She was constantly in pain tothe point where she couldn’t even register it. She doesn’t knowwhat feeling good is because it has never happened. Everything isgoing to be new now, and pleasure is a possibility. Also, her scentis going to come in fairly strong. I can already get notes of it.She’s fruit. Pomegranate, mango, hints of pineapple, and a touch ofhoney.”
Haravin said,“I’m dessert.”
Kekoa coveredhis mouth, and she could see he was laughing.
Alohi had hisface pressed against her neck. Haravin blinked. She frowned andlooked at Kekoa. “He’s licking me.”
Alohi startedsucking.
She grunted asher lower body tried to do something it hadn’t done before.
Ambrosechuckled and went to Olivia. “Come on. She’s going to be fine. Ifanything happens, they have Dr. Oriel’s private number.”
Haravinwhimpered, and the feeling in her sex was confusing as hell. Thatjust hadn’t happened before.
Olly and heralpha left.
Haravin hissed,“Get him off.”
Kekoa grinned.“Why? He has gone around the bruising. Olly was right. Your scentis coming in, and it is sweet and bright.”
Alohi eased onhis one-man hickey production and kissed the little mark he hadmade. “Pretty. Mine.”
“I am not a potroast or a ham. I am not yours just because you licked me.”
He loomed overher and brushed his lips against hers. He murmured, “You smell sogood.”
She pressedagainst his chest and said, “I am recovering from someone pleatingmy vag.”
Kekoa said, “Wewill get to the bottom of it. Someone has already been goingthrough your medical history.” He paused. “Are you feelingbetter?”
“Aside from theremoval of certain social strictures? Yes. Olly was right. My painwas so much a part of me that now that the worst of it is gone, Ifeel so free.”
Alohi smileddown at her and brushed soft kisses against her lips again.
“I think I needto sleep again.”
Alohi chuckled.“I will watch over you.”
Kekoa said, “Iwill be back.”
She was pinnedunder the omega and tried a casual, “Come here often?”
He smiled. “Iwould like to.”
Blinkingrapidly, she settled with, “Oh.”