Page 12 of Lost Treasure

Alohi looked ather with wide eyes. “Please?”

She frowned.“Fine.”

They walkedback to the seating area, and she sat in a separate chair untilAlohi’s eyes welled up. “Don’t you like me anymore?”

She snorted andgot up, settling against him until he put his head on her shoulder.There was nothing like being the comfort object of a man her ownsize.

Kekoa asked,“You are in good health?”

“Yup. Fit asany beta out there.”

“Have you beensexually tested?”

She frowned. “Idon’t follow.”



He scowled.“Necessary.”

“I haven’tever...”

He blinked andleaned back. “Oh. But you are not young.”

“Betrayal whileyoung leads to caution when older.” She shrugged. “I just neverfelt the need.”

Alohi liftedhis head and stared at her. “Never?”

“Never. Notonce.” She shrugged again. “It’s never come up.”

Kekoa nodded.“Please be tested.”

She opened hermouth and then closed it with a snap. “I hope you have patience. Ittakes me three weeks to get an appointment with my doctor.”

He scowled andlooked at Ford. “What are the options?”

“The McKennaClinic. They have many betas going to them.”

Kekoa got hisphone out, looked something up, and then made a call. He indicatedthat he wanted a full panel workup on his beta. He listened andnodded. “Tomorrow at ten.”

She felt illand nodded. It was hard enough to get her own doctor to use thesmallest size. She was pretty sure that an omega-focused facilitywasn’t going to have the right gear for her.

Alohi said,“It’s fine, and you only have to do this once. Then you can be withus and won’t have to worry.”

She sat therewith Alohi on her shoulder, picked at her dinner, and Kekoa wasfrowning at her. She excused herself after dinner and called hercab home.

Haravin waitedoutside and jumped when she heard, “Leaving without sayinggoodbye?”

Alohi and Kekoawere standing in the doorway, and she checked. The phone showed hercar was five minutes out.

“Um. Thereisn’t much to say. I have to find myself at McKenna Clinic tomorrowmorning at ten. Ford and the pride are getting their ownbreakfast.”

Alohi frowned.“If you are worried, it’s just a swab and bloodwork, and you aregood. The internal exam is easy.”

Haravin dug hernails into her palm. “I have a different experience. It’s painful,humiliating, and the helpful comments from medical staff aremortifying.”

She dragged ina deep breath. “But it’s fine. I will get this over with, and thenwe can discuss what happens next.”