“How was yourmedical appointment? Are you close to a heat?”
“It was anannual physical. The gyno part is basic and only takes a minute. Myovulation status isn’t an issue. No one cares.”
Alohi wanderedin with a smile. “I am mildly interested. So, are you the one Fordcalled us for?”
She turnedscarlet. “Ford.”
“Olivia said Icould.”
The omega inquestion had been coming into the kitchen, but she changeddirection and made a break for it.
“Come backhere, Olivia,” Haravin barked.
Olivia slunkback into the kitchen.
“I am sorry. Ishould have told you, but they were on the way so fast, I wasn’tsure how to bring it up. They met the criteria.”
“Uh-huh. Idon’t know how even to bring this up.”
Kekoa stoodbehind Alohi and said, “The exhibit was being set up. A woman withwide eyes was behind me, and when I took a step back, I knocked herover. I set you on a bench, and there was a tremendous crack.”
“Right. Thatwas me changing.”
Alohi smiled.“You change shape?”
“Yeah, but Iwon’t do it in here.”
“Why not?”Kekoa asked.
“I would dropinto the basement.” She sighed. “Do you want to see it? Thisway.”
She walked backout on the stone of the patio and felt her clothing seams pop asshe grew, and her eyes showed her the world from a differentangle.
She looked atthem, and Kekoa was still slightly taller than she was. She knewthat because he walked up to her and smiled. “Hello, treasure.”
“Hello, YourMajesty.”
“Are youheavy?”
He smiled andsilvered over with onyx hair and diamond-clear eyes. He spokeslowly. “Me, too.”
She would haveblushed, but the gold didn’t do that.
Alohi wasstaring with his eyes wide. “Wow. You two are like the myth.”
Kekoa smiled.“I suppose we are.”
There was acrack, and the stone under their feet gave way.
She droppedback into her daily wear and apologized to Ford. “I am sosorry.”
He waved itoff. “It’s fine, but I am mourning the chance to watch you squareoff against Benjiro.”
She smiledslightly.
Kekoa smiled.“May we talk with you for a bit?” He had resumed his normalridiculous proportions.