Page 55 of Lost Treasure

“Thanks.Really. Thank you.” She shoved Reynaldo aside, and he laughed asshe hugged Ven.

Ven felt supersilky soft, and her panther spots and dark fingers were an obviousclue to Reynaldo.

“You arewelcome, Hara. Can you show your adaptation to my guys? They can’treally see why it had to be Kekoa.”

Kek huffed.

Syar shrugged.“She and Narro get along so well. There has to be a reason that itcan’t just be him.”

Hara shruggedand said, “Follow me.”

She loosenedher clothing a little, and when she was on full stone under herfeet, she shifted. She shifted in the bright light where her glossymetal skin caused light to spark and reflect all the way down thehill. She was a glittering beacon and turned to Narro. They werethe same size.

He grinned andshrugged, getting taller until he was taller by six inches, and hiseyes glowed red. “You are beautiful, Hara.”

Ven came up andtapped her arm. It rang with the solid sound of metal. “Oh, wow. Ididn’t think it was all the way through.”

Kek walkedtoward her in his own metal skin.

Ven nodded.“Got it. Makes sense now. We can’t pick our adaptations; we canjust deal with it and find alphas who complement us or omegas whowant to get into our pants.”

Hara shook herhead. “It wasn’t like that. We just matched, like cards in a deck.No lust, no interest beyond that.”

Kekoa frowned.“That is not the truth.”

She looked athim. “It is the truth as I know it. Alohi and I shared an ice creamcone, and that was the hottest thing that happened until we werehere.”

She shrugged.“A few more wrong turns, and here we are. If we have children, theywill be very powerful and rather tall. If Alohi has children, Iwill help him raise them.”

Alohi pausedand said, “I can’t have kids.”


“When I wasreally young and was running wild, I got a disease and ended upsterile.”

“And youfigured this out just over five years ago.”

Alohi nodded.“Yes. This is also why Kek insisted on the testing that hurtyou.”

Hara winced,remembering the burning and tearing. Kek rubbed her metal arms andsaid, “However we got together, we are still a match. Affectionwill grow.”

She looked toNarro. “Affection is already here.”

Narro smiledand held his arms out. “I am content to join your pack. Shall wework out the documents and make plans for her first heat?”

She frowned.“That is a pretty far way off.”

Narro smiled.“Is it? The guardians of Emerald want you consuming the royal fowl,and they get their way.”

Kek smiled.“One of the new guardians has made their way into the sand gardenout back.”

Hara shrugged.“Everybody’s got to go somewhere.”

Kek sighed. “Wehave the fowl here, but no one eats them for obvious reasons. Ifyou eat them at the wrong time, in the wrong quantity, you willhave side effects.”

Alohi nodded.“I can confirm that.”

Hara sighed.“So, I have a practical alpha and a fun one.”