Kek pushedagainst her rhythmically, and she noticed that something inside herwas causing a different sort of excitement.
He kept up thelazy rocking, and the tension built and built, and then shescreamed softly as raw pleasure spilled through her. She felt thesurge inside her and suddenly felt that Kek might slip loose.
He rocked intoher again, and this time, he slipped back a little. Kek laughed. “Iam not ready to let you go. Not quite yet, but you know you willhave to be close to me for the rest of the day and possibly theweek.”
“Because I needto tend the bite, and sex with you feels amazing. Both of those areexcellent reasons.”
She felt thelazy ripple of the ribbon in her mind. “So, you can find menow.”
“Yes, withoutshifting forms.”
She nodded.“Yes. That.”
Kek rubbed hischeek against hers, and when she lifted her head to his, he kissedher. She could feel his pleasure, and he could feel hers. It tookthe guesswork out of it but was very gratifying.
They clungtogether for another four minutes, and the swell of his knot gaveway, and he pulled out of her.
She lookeddown. “Glad we are in the shower.”
He grinned.“Sex is messy if you do it right. We did it very right.”
She squirmed,and he released her legs, though he didn’t drop her. The showerwent on, and when the spray was warm, he pivoted and washed themboth off.
Her sex was hotand achy, but it was otherwise fine. When washed, rinsed, andwashed again, she was wrapped in a drying cloth and carefullywalked into the bedroom. Alohi was smiling, and he looked at hermark, grinned, and said, “It looks nice and clean.”
She nodded.“Um, thank you.” She found the gold strand and showed how dazed shewas.
“Oh, treasure.Have a seat. I will get you something to wear, and then we can godown for some food.”
“Food will besent up in the next thirty minutes.”
Alohi blinked.“Really? We never eat up here.”
“I am not satedyet, so it is best for all of us to remain here for the day.”
Alo blinked.“Right.”
Kek smiled andlay on the wide platform. “Alo? Would you and Hara join me?”
Hara pauseduntil Alo was snuggled in, and then she settled near them. Armsreached out and pulled her into their pile, holding her againstAlo.
Alo rolled andsnuggled her in between them.
“You had a busymorning, Hara. Get some rest. Mating day is rough on betas.” Kekwas crooning. “You have done so well, treasure. I am so proud ofyou.”
She thoughtabout it. Rough? No, he had been careful right until hisknot wedged in.
She snuggledagainst the omega with her lips pressed to his collarbone. Shenuzzled his neck and sighed. Now that her body was awake, it washumming slightly. She squirmed against him, and he helped her gethis erection between her thighs. She rocked her hips on him andfelt Kek’s hand on her hip.
She moaned asshe got him slick, and he returned the favour. Hara conveyed whathad become urgency, and Alo smiled, kissed her, and pulled herunder him. He pressed into her slowly and undulated until heropening took him in.
She rocked withhim, wrapping her legs around his waist, and hung on. She focusedon the sensations coming back to her until he rotated his hips andstarted pressing on that spot that the knot had found.
Hara startedwhining, and he grinned and pressed his teeth over Kek’s mark. Awhirling mix of happiness, lust, satisfaction, irritation, andurgency broke through to her. She came hard when Kek loomed behindAlo and bit the back of his neck slowly. There was a hot rushinside, and she felt the pleasure waves in her start again.
Alo grunted andgot heavier, and to her astonishment, Kek settled on him, movingslowly. Alo got hard again, and she felt the slow and carefulthrusts that he was getting from Kek.