“No problem.It’s easier for them to be naked, but walking out of the water withall eyes aimed at you needs to be something you work up to.” Thewoman set her original clothing aside and smiled. “Not everyone hasthe confidence of the king’s omega.”
“Yeah, I ampretty distant from that level of confidence.”
“Are youvisiting?”
“Um, sort of?Maybe? I hope to stay.”
The womansmiled. “Good.”
Kek called herand frowned. “Where did you get the clothing?”
“A woman gaveit to me.”
He whispered inher ear, and she dropped the clothing in the sand.
He went overinstructions, and she picked up the board and followed them intothe water. She lay on her board and paddled out, smiling at theturtle that swam under them in about fourteen feet of water.
The first timeshe met the water here, she was expected to do it unclothed. Alohiwas naked, so she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. They paddled far outand turned.
Kek grinned.“It’s coming, can you feel it?”
Haravin feltthe humming beneath her. “Yes, I can feel it.”
Alohi chuckled.“And so we add to a long list of things that will be at homebetween your thighs.”
She splashedhim, but Kek quickly told her to balance, stand up, and positionherself from there. It was move with the water and then swim forthe shore.
She nodded, andwhen the back of the board tilted upward, she hopped up andcrouched. And as Kek led the way, Alohi followed, and she broughtup the rear.
Haravin used adecade of dance and balance, experimenting with the waves, and thenshe saw a curl forming around her, so she bent and raced thecollapse of the water. She was grinning, her hair was plastered toher, and she saw the blur of her alpha and omega go by as she keptto the edge of the wave as it shallowed out and pushed her towardshore.
She glided inand stepped off the board, smiling at her astonished companions.“Again?”
Kek chuckled.“You go, we will watch.”
She took theboard and paddled out again, heading at a right angle to thecurrent. She got out about as far as she had been the first time,and then she sat on her board, feeling the waves through the board,and when she felt the large swell under her, she waited until thepush started and got onto the board. She was up and balancing andsaw a pod of dolphins under her. She grinned, and then she saw greylaunching out of the wave and straight at her. She went gold anddropped as the dolphin struck her. She was deeper than she hadthought, aimed herself at the shore, and started walking.
She found a fewwatches and several phones and came out of the water with Keksilvered and waiting for her. She dropped her haul to the sand andlooked at him as she shifted back to soft skin with the crowdwatching.
“Fuckingdolphins.” She grimaced and stomped toward him and Alohi. The hugthat she got from the omega was intense.
He whisperedfrantically. “He was really worried, but he wanted to showeverybody what you are, but he had to shift so that he could feelif you were okay. You are definitely getting a mark tonight. He wasreally worried.”
She nodded. “Iunderstand. Does anyone have some fish I can have?”
The crowdmuttered, and one guy came forward with a basket. “Why do you wantthem, Miss?”
“Oh, I have topunch a dolphin.”
The crowdstarted giggling, and then it was a roar of laughter as her wordswere repeated. Kek wrapped an arm around her, and it went fromsilver to his normal bronze. “No dolphin punching.”
She sighed.“Fine, but if I see him again, we are going to have words.”
“Of course, youwill, treasure.”
She suddenlyrealized. “Oh, no. The board!”