Haravin spokeslowly. “So, sister of Kekoa, the next time you try to knock meover, you will be pushing against this, and I will push back.”
Kekoa tensedand held her close. She had been right. Family gathered around todefend Alohi against an interloper.
She tapped hisarm and looked up at him. When he relaxed, she turned soft andpink. “So, I missed dinner?”
Alohi huggedher. “I didn’t know what to think when he went walking into thewater.”
She shrugged.“I couldn’t have done it in the house. I would have dropped throughthe floor.”
Kekoa returnedto flesh and hugged her. “You scared me.”
“I just wantedto go somewhere safe as I thought things through.”
“That waspretty fucking safe.”
She beamed athim. “Thank you.”
He leaned inand brushed his mouth against the hickey that Alohi had leftbehind. She shivered in his arms, and her scent returnedrapidly.
He inhaleddeeply, and the scent of the water mixed with the bright scent offruit made him smile. She was home. Her scent settled his soul in away that Alohi hadn’t been able to. He was love and affection, buthe wasn’t what Kekoa needed. She was serenity and calm. She hadlooked perfectly comfortable in the lagoon, her sundress flowingaround her. He doubted that she knew it was transparent.
Alohi met hisgaze and grinned. “Well, treasure, we have to get you dressed. Thiscotton is transparent.”
“Oh. Damn.”
She moved herhands to cover her breasts and her groin. “So, I am going to needto know where I am going.”
Alohi took herhand. “Come on. Kek, let her go. I will see what we can find forher to wear. After that, we can introduce her to the food.”
Kekoa watchedhis tiny pack make their way up the hill, hand in hand. He lookedat his sister. “So, you tried to push her over?”
She tangled herfingers together. “I didn’t want you upsetting Alohi.”
“He’s cuddlingwith her at every opportunity. There is genuine affection there.Alohi is what will tie us together.” He smiled. “And if you everraise any part of you against her, I will walk you to the middle ofthe lagoon underwater and see how long you last.”
She cringed.“Got it. I’m sorry. I just think you and Alohi are so goodtogether.”
“And withHaravin, we will be better yet. She gives both of us someone tofuss over.” He smirked. “Watching Alo fuss over her is fascinating.He wants her when she’s strong or when she’s weak.” He laughed.“And definitely when she’s wet.”
His parentslooked at each other and were slightly embarrassed. They were betaswho had raised him and his sister. His designation had come as asurprise, and the food expenses had been extreme, but now, heallowed them to live with him at the royal residence after he hadbeen elected king of the Wonder Islands.
Kira wasinterested in dating now that she had finished her first year ofcollege. Kekoa sighed and headed up to the palace with his family.If Kira were interested in betas, Haravin would be an excellentwingman. Woman. Whatever.
Alohi wasbroadcasting arousal and excitement, along with amusement. Itseemed he hadn’t been able to wait to hand over the gift bag theyhad chosen for her.
He reallywanted to pass his family and join them to see the shy blush crossHaravin’s face. “Excuse me. We will join you for the meal in a fewminutes.”
He passed hisfamily and headed for his quarters, where his omega’s amusementmeant an interesting face on his beta.
* * * *
Haravin looked at thehuge box of dildos that went from slender to that has to be ahospital visit.
Alohi laughed.“Your face. Oh, Kekoa should be... oh, here he is.”
Haravin triedto close the box, but one of the dildos had rolled, and the box waswedged open. She whined in frustration, and Kekoa plucked it out ofher hands.
He opened itand examined it. Her face was on fire.