Page 31 of Lost Treasure

“You can’trest?”

“Not unless Ican hear the ocean. It sucks.” She tapped the headphones around herneck.

“What is yourname?”

“Nerina. Youcan call me Nina.” She smiled.

“I’m Haravin. Iam going to be somewhere on Wonder if you want to have lunch orsomething before you leave.”


Haravingrimaced. “Harvey. I am not really a fan.”

“How aboutHara?”

She hadn’t everhad anyone give her a non-annoying nickname, so she nodded. “Thatsounds good.”

“You are herefor a permanent relocation?”


“There are twoof us on Emerald. Well, two that I am aware of.”


“Sure. Ven ispart of the alpha and omega ruling family on Emerald. Eliana isthere as well. Have you met them?”

Haravin wassmiling. “I have. And you say there are ferries?”

“Yes.Helicopters if you are in a hurry.”

“Wow. Somehow,I had an image of me standing on a pile of sand in the middle ofnowhere.”

Nina smiled.“There are other islands everywhere. The weird thing is that manyhave different geological makeup, which suggests that they haveother world traces. Like chunks of other planets that got wedged inafter Pangea spread out.”

Hara smiled andwanted to continue, but Kekoa touched her shoulder. “You need totake your meds, Haravin.”

“Could you callme Hara?”

“Certainly. Canyou call me Kek?”

She beamed andnodded. “Sorry, Nina. I am about to get very sleepy.”

“Take all thetime you need. I am going to see if I can chase a nap down myself.”She pulled her headphones on and keyed something on the tablet.

Hara walkedwith Kek to where Alohi had the medication in his hand. She took itwith some water brought by the air hostess, and then he handed herthe second packet. She blinked. “I don’t know if I can manage thisin the lavatory.”

Alohi drew acurtain over the area where he and Kekoa had been sitting. “Thereyou go. Privacy.”

“You are inhere with me.”

“That is true.So, have a seat, and I will help.”

She stared ashe eased her onto one of the seats, carefully reached under herskirt, and removed her panties. The first rod was a sort offlexible vaginal suppository that omegas used when they gotinternally abraded.

He coated itwith the antibiotic ointment and used one hand to open her and gether a little slick, and then the four inches of medication wereinside her, and the treatment was over. She was clenching on itsomething fierce, and her underwear was slid back in place.

The sedativeswere to keep her from fighting it, so she carefully got up andwaddled over toward her previous seat.