Page 30 of Lost Treasure

Alohi blinkedinnocently. “Well, technically, he’s not wrong.”

She snorted andwent to shower and get dressed. She had to call the book club andtell them she was heading out of town.

The call toFord was full of tears on his side, so she gave him a verbal hugand went on to Olivia. “Don’t say goodbye here; we are meetingyou at the airport.”


“Oh, yes.The whole family. We are just packing up to come and see you off.Even the littles.” Olivia chuckled.

“That is sosweet. Um, when are we meeting?”

“In about anhour. You had better finish packing.”

Haravinswallowed. “See you there?”

They hung up,and Haravin finished packing her few items.

She carried herpack to the living area, and Alohi and Kekoa smiled. The luggagerack was there and attended by a bellhop. She got her purse out andput the pack on her back.

Alohi sighedand came up to her, sliding the pack off her shoulders and handingit to the bemused bellhop. He kissed her neck and said, “Come on,treasure. Let’s go.”

She swallowed.“Okay.”

He beamed.“Okay?”

She nodded.“Okay.”

Chapter Six

Wiping tears from thesweet farewell, Haravin sat in one of the comfortable seats whileher companions sat next to each other. That was it. She was on herway to the Wonder Islands. At the back of the cabin there was awoman who was heading to a place called Blackridge Island. It wouldbe a ferry from Wonder to her destination.

Haravin got upand wobbled to the seat where the woman was watching a video on atablet. “Hello.”

The womanlooked up from the depths of her hood. “Hello.”

“You are amember of the book club?”

“Yes. You?”

Haravin nodded.“Yes.”

The womanpaused her video. “Those are your matches?”

“Yes. How canyou tell?”

“They both lookincredibly concerned.”

“Oh. Is yourmatch on the island?”

“No. My brotheris. He’s on a research team. Some days, you just want a hug fromsomeone familiar.”

“Oh. How willyou get home?”

“Well, I willtake a ferry back to Wonder then another one to Emerald. Fromthere, I can get a commercial flight.” She smiled.

“Oh, well, youseem to have a plan.”

“I usually havea plan. And then an alpha knocks me into the ocean, and I get waveson my back, and then I am on a charter flight out to the islands sothat I can see some family and get some rest.”