Page 3 of Lost Treasure

She sighed andgrew nine inches. “Right. What are your objections? Quickly. I amon the clock. I have shit to do today, and I can’t wait for a primadonna to delay me. Chop chop.”

He frowned andlooked at the sound guy. “Can we get some ear buds?”

They got someearbuds, and the playback started. She read his lips and saw,“Waltz.”

She shrugged,and he held her hand as they walked into the area where the cameraswere aimed. The music started, and she moved with him. He lookedsurprised, and the movements grew more energetic as they twirledand spun through the allotted space.

His gaze methers, and they started a cha-cha and still moved smoothly. She waslifted, spun, bent back, and flipped into a landing split.

He helped herup and was grinning. The playback was cut, and they removed theearpieces. He blinked. “You can dance.”

“No shit. Now,what are we doing and in what order.”

Ford came overwith a dazed expression and smiled. “That was great. Narro, youhave the list?”

“I do. Can youthink of better pairings for the music?”

“I can now thatI know how she can move. What is your name, miss?”


“First orlast?”


“Thank you forcoming out to dance with me, Haravin. Ford had the idea but no clueon how to execute it.”

Ford waslooking excited. “Okay, the list is coming to the tablet. You twopractice, and when you are ready to start recording, just give methe signal.”

Narro looked atHaravin. “So, what are your thoughts?”

“I need to hearthe music.”

“Are youcomfortable with lifts and being tossed?”


“Then, let’sget practicing.” He smiled, and there was anticipation in hiseyes.

Four hourslater, Haravin was exhausted and sweaty and ready to drop. “If youask for another one, I am going to break that camera, Ford.”

Narro wasleaning over with his hands on his knees, breathing hard. “What shesaid.”

Ford grinned.“Oh, come on. One more.”

“No! I amneither your omega nor your alpha. Begging me to go again isn’tgoing to work.” She stretched.


“That doesn’twork on me either.”

He paused andgrinned. “Fine. You did great. Now the rest of us have to get towork putting the overlays on.”

“Sure. You getthe hard job. I am going to get changed, head home, and shower.Everybody’s home for dinner, right?” She looked at him withchallenge in her eyes.

“Yes, ma’am.”He looked sheepish.

She patted himon the cheek and headed off with a wink to Dexter, who was onomega-sitting duty that day. Dexter broke off and walked with her.“Can you show me how to dance?”