The doctor anda nurse were waiting. They sedated her, strapped her down, and thenwent looking.
Haravin sighedand pressed her thighs together with only a burning twinge. No morepain.
She sat up andlooked around. “How did I get to the hotel?”
Olivia rushedin and crouched over her, stroking her hair back with tears in hereyes. She swallowed and smiled. “You owe Ambrose a pavlova. Tenstitches torn loose and hanging. Dr. Oriel had no reason to thinkthey were there, so she wasn’t looking for them.”
“Well, threecheers for PTSD, I guess?”
“With me, theytried to sew me shut; with you, they were aiming to narrow you, sothe damage was all the way up to your cervix.” Olly held her hand.“Well, at least it heals fast.”
“Oh. Hooray.So, why am I at the hotel?”
Alohi came in.“Because if you need help, we want to be the ones providingit.”
She smiled.“Oh, hey, Alohi. I think I am stoned.”
He smiled andcrawled onto the bed, moving over her until he was on the otherside of her, curled up against her shoulder. “Yes, you are, and itcouldn’t happen to a more deserving lady.”
She ran herfingers through his hair. “Pretty hair.”
Olly smiled.“Anyway, we thought you would be better in the arms of your alphaand omega.”
Alohi wrappedhis arms around her and held her carefully. “I will be careful andtake care of you, I promise.”
Ambrose pokedhis head in. “They arrived at the clinic shortly after we did. Thesecond the doctor put through a charge for the surgical room, hewas on his way.”
Kekoa easedpast Ambrose and bowed to her, taking her hand. “I am sorry that Iput you through this.”
“Me, too, butyou were never gonna fit with that stuff in there. Like, I amtalking not even a finger.” She shook her head while herembarrassment screamed from the back of her mind.
He raised hisbrows.
Alohi snorted.“She’s still sedated, Kek.”
Olly said,“She’s a little loopy.”
“But she’s notin pain?”
She shook herhead. “No, just feels like... I dunno. There’s a bit of a burn, butI feel better. How long do I have to lie here to be weirded out byeveryone staring?”
Olly saidsoftly, “Dr. Oriel said you are good and that you will healnaturally. She sent along some cream to help you stave offinfection and is going to write you up in a medical journal.”
“Did we everfind out how Mark found me? I mean, I guess that was just mewondering there.”
Olly kissed hercheek and nuzzled her again. “One of the programmers working on thepixie clips put your name on the behind-the-scenes feature.”
“I thought thatmight have been it. He would have been looking for my name anddancing. It was an easy hit.” She tried to push up, but Alohipulled her back down with careful but inexorable strength.
She looked athim from far too close. “I thought that most omegas werefeeble.”
Olly said,“Hey.”
“You are acountry girl; Ford works out like an addiction.”
Alohi smiled.“Kekoa puts in the effort, so I put in the effort. You have a lotof nice muscle. All those years of dancing?”