There was aknowing chuckle. “No need to be shy.”
Oriel snortedsoftly but rummaged around in her drawer. There was the sound ofopening plastic wrap, and then Haravin felt the pressure on heropening. She turned her head away from the fascinated alpha andomega and tried to pant through the pain. She did pretty well untilthe medical device was ratcheted open. The sob was unmistakable,and the scent of blood filled the space.
The doctorwent, “Oh, shit. Okay, Haravin, I am going to go as fast as Ican.”
Haravin said,“Just do it all so this doesn’t have to happen again.” She kept herbreathing shallow, but her face was turned toward the wall.
The doctormoved swiftly and released the speculum, removing it carefully. Acool compress was held against her, and Haravin swallowed. “If youcould just get the other part out of the way, please.”
“Are you sure?You can come back when you are healed.”
“If you think Iam coming back, you are fucking kidding yourself. Let’s just learnwhat we need to learn. The blood won’t interfere with it.”
“I am notcomfortable with this.”
“Great, meneither.”
The doctor gotthe portable ultrasound and prepped the wand. “This will becold.”
“Great.”Whatever else she was going to say was lost in a sharpinhalation.
There wereimages taken, and her ovaries were pronounced fit and healthy. Theyhad the pictures to prove it.
The room wassilent, and the doctor cleaned her up and then applied a newcompress, checking the bleeding.
“Okay,sweetheart. You can sit up, and oh.”
The doctorlooked at her face, and her red eyes and tear-stained face wereunmistakable. The doctor dropped professionalism and pulled her infor a hug.
Haravin heldback until the doctor murmured. The floodgates broke, and shewailed with an age of pain at the hands of alphas and no oneoffering her comfort. Others took comfort from her, but no one evergave it.
Dr. Orielfinally leaned back and gave her two lollipops. “You were a bravegirl, Haravin. It’s done. You are good. Everything is healthy andpink, and your follicles look great.” She stroked her cheek. “Howoften do you get your period?”
“Twice a year.I just had it.”
“Then, you areout of pace. You have a few days until ovulation.”
“Sucks to suck,I guess.” She slumped. “So, I can go now?”
“Do you have apad?”
“The bleedinghas slowed. How do you feel?”
“Like rawhamburger.”
The doctorwinced. “I know. I am so sorry. With an alpha and omega with you, Ithought you were joking.”
She nodded. “Iknow that’s what you thought. Everyone out, please. I need to getdressed.”
Alohi frowned.“I will help you.”
“It isn’tnecessary.”
“It isnecessary. Kekoa, we will be out in a minute.”