Page 17 of Lost Treasure

“No. Why wouldI? I wasn’t Mark’s lover. I wasn’t anyone’s.” She rubbed herforehead and shrugged. “The exam will prove my situation.”

Alohi frowned.“I don’t understand.”

“I didn’t needsex, so I didn’t pursue it. That simple.”

They went alittle quiet, and when Kekoa got to his feet, they were all ontheir way. Everyone moved when he moved.

They headeddown to the main floor. The limo was visible through the heavyglass panels. Haravin was getting several stares, and Kekoa wasgetting dark looks, but she paused and spoke to the staff,explaining the situation in four sentences. The counter staff beganwhispering, and the gossip mill began to work for Kekoa. He pausedand looked at her. “What did you do?”

“They thoughtyou had done this, so I disabused them of the notion and explainedwho it was and who they were bribed by.”

“Thank you, butit wasn’t necessary.”

“It was. Thisis a very connected city. If you ever plan on returning, you don’twant woman-beater attached to your name.”

He nodded, andthe driver opened the door. “You are very sensible.”

“Yes, I hearthat a lot.”

Alohi dove intothe car, and Haravin went in next. Kekoa was the final, and hesettled in as the door closed and began to work on his tablet.

Haravin wasnervous. After yesterday, she knew there was going to be blood,pain, and embarrassment.

They got to thecentre, and the lower floors catered to betas, while the upperfocused on omega. She walked up to the reception area and spokesoftly. The woman nodded. “Room six-oh-three. Your alpha and omegacan be with you.”

Haravinblinked. It was an upper floor.

She went intothe elevator, and her companions were behind her. She pressed thefloor and locked her fingers in front of her. Fear was pouring offher, and she went to the room and swallowed when they followed herin.

An alpha doctorcame in and smiled. “Haravin? I am Dr. Oriel. So, it says here I amdoing a full panel and check on you.”

“Yes, ma’am.”She tried to turn off the fear, but it didn’t help.

“All right.Well, put on this gown, and I will be back in a minute. Sir, may Ispeak with you?” The doctor looked at Kekoa, and they spokeoutside.

Alohi asked,“Why are you so scared?”

She removed herclothing and put on the wrap. “Because it is going to hurt.”

“You have hadscans before. Tests.”

“Yes. And theyhurt.”

“I will holdyour hand.” He chuckled.

The doctor cameback in with Kekoa, who was scowling. His scowl was directed ather, and she flinched. She got up onto the exam bench and sat withher knees closed.

“First, I amgoing to make a note of this mark. With the red and darkeningpurple, it was this morning?”

“Yes. Aroundthree. An ex-dance partner of mine came in and wanted mycooperation. I declined. He grabbed me. He did that thing alphas dowhen they are really mad.”

The doctor’shands were careful, but a few sensitive spots made her flinch.“Your voice will be rough for a day or so. Are you on anypainkillers?”

“No, ma’am. Ididn’t think to grab any before I headed out.”

“Well, we willget you some before you leave.” She smiled. “Well, turn to thestirrups, and we will get the worst part over.”

Haravin noddedand did the scooting when required. “Ma’am. Can you use thesmallest speculum, please?”