“I don’t knowwhat the floor is rated for.” She shrugged.
Securitydragged Mark out. She asked, “Which one of you got the bribe?”
One of the guysdarted their gaze around. She muttered, “Classy.”
The otherslooked at him and hauled the rage-swollen alpha out of the room anddown to the main floor where police were coming.
Kekoa tiltedher head to the side and looked at her neck. “The swelling isincreasing.”
“Yes, itis.”
The night auditcame in and looked around. “You need another room.”
She croaked.“Probably. How did he find me?”
She looked atthe clothing she was wearing, and there on the arm of the blousewas a tiny tracker. She croaked again. “I am stupid.”
The night auditsaid, “Please come downstairs, and I will get you a new room. Bringyour things.”
She nodded,threw her blouse into the garbage, and tossed everything else inher bag.
Kekoa said,“What are you doing?”
“Packing mystuff.”
“They shouldsend a bellman.”
“Not for betas.I am just going to get a new room. Thanks for the save. I will seeyou in a few hours.”
He paused.“When you get your new room, come to room twenty-twenty andknock.”
“Because wehave an extra room, and you should not be alone.”
“I am usuallyfine.”
He sighed. “Goget your new room.”
“Yes, YourMajesty.” She put her bag over her shoulder, headed downstairs, andgot room five-seventeen. She bit her lip, and when she got in theelevator, her finger hesitated over the five and then moved topress twenty.
She calledherself sixteen types of stupid, but she would at least be able tosleep without worrying about Mark getting loose.
She stood infront of twenty-twenty and knocked softly. The door opened, andKekoa stood aside to let her walk in.
“Come in.” Hewalked her past a closed door, and a second, smaller room wasbehind the next door. “Alohi sleeps like the dead. I do not.”
“So, you heardthe thumping from twelve floors away?”
“Sure. We cancall it that.”
She swallowedpainfully and went to the bathroom, cooling a small towel and usingit as a compress.
Haravin put thecompress on her throat and turned to see Kekoa standing in thedoorway. “Thank you so much for your help. I think Alohi will freakout if you are not there when he wakes.”
“He will befine. Are you all right?”
She shrugged.“I have been attacked by that particular alpha before. The lasttime was when I told him that his screwing around was going to hurthis partner. Based on what he was ordering me to do, Timmins issterile or can’t carry. They want me to carry for them. Ideclined.”