I nodded. "Thank you."

He left, and I took a steadying breath before I looked at Nate. He was holding a glass of water out to Penelope. She looked shaken, and pale. I didn't know what I was going to say, but I wanted Nate and Penelope to know how sorry I was. As Nate offered comfort to Penelope, a surge of emotion overwhelmed me, and for the second time in court, I was struck speechless. It was in this moment of vulnerability that I came to a startling revelation.

I love him.

Lou was right. I'm an idiot. I love Nate and Penelope. I walked on shaky legs towards them. Nate saw me coming, and he told Penelope something before he met me halfway down the aisle between the benches. The skin around his eyes was tight from stress, but I didn't see any anger as he looked at me.

"You're here," He said. "I didn't think you would come."

"At first I didn't think I would either."

"What changed?"

"Lou gives a good pep talk. Reminded me that it's important to show up even if I can't do anything."

He smiled, "I'll have to thank him."

"I'm so sorry Nate?ā€”"

"You've done nothing wrong, Lia."

"But that video."

"Was preying on a vulnerable moment when you were emotionally distraught."

"And the press?ā€”"

"Hannah is taking care of it. Lou overheard Erin on her phone before she came into the courtroom."

"Do you think Penelope will ever forgive me? She wouldn't even talk to me at the hospital before she left."

Penelope stepped around her dad, "I thought you were mad at me."

"Never," I told her.

"But Mom said you were saying bad things about me to Dad. That I was a brat and you couldn't wait until I was gone."

Nate stooped down beside her so they were eye to eye, "Sweat Pea, I'll never want you gone. You're my girl."

"I thought Lia was your girl?"

He smiled, and the look he gave me was absolutely devastating. My knees went weak. "I love her, and I hope she'll still have me."

A rush of emotions flooded through me and I couldn't hold back. Stepping closer, I reached out to cup his cheek, my heart pounding in my chest. And then, with a surge of courage, I closed the distance between us, pressing my lips to his in a tender, heartfelt kiss.

Chapter 19

"I love you Nate, good luck trying to get rid of me." Lia Said.

Her hand was still on my cheek, and I leaned in to kiss her again, but we were interrupted by a throat clearing.

The judge had returned. But I took it as a good sign when Lia and Penelope sat on the bench behind me. Lia was giving Penelope quiet reassurance that she was wanted and loved. Something I should have been giving both of them for the last week. But I didn't know what to say over the phone, and Lia hadn't been at the bakery each time I'd gone. I'd hoped seeing her would help me figure out the words, but Iā€™d instead taken her absence as a sign that she wanted me out of her life.

The judge cleared his throat. "I'd like to hear from Penelope."

Lia squeezed Penelope's hand for a quick burst of encouragement, and I caught sight of the engagement ring on her finger. That was the sign I should have seen earlier. Penelope stood and lifted her chin high as she approached the bench before the judge. The courtroom was so quiet, but I still couldn't tell what they were saying.

Penelope had a little bounce in her step as she walked back to sit by Lia.