The associate cleared his throat. "Have you reached a decision, or should I get another round of rings?"
"We'll take the woodland one."
I gasped, "Nate!"
He handed over a black card without hesitation. He didn’t even ask how much the ring would cost.
"Excellent choice Mr. Mitchell. Do you want me to package it, or do you want to wear it out?"
As Nate's warm touch guided the ring into place, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement mingled with apprehension. His touch ignited a spark of connection that I’d been trying to suppress. The sincerity in his gesture confirmed his earlier words. Despite my earlier protests, I loved the ring. Even if the weight of it felt both foreign and strangely comforting against my skin. Leaving me feeling both touched and overwhelmed at the possibility that even in the midst of faking our relationship, there was a glimmer of something more.
The associate processed the payment right in front of us and printed out the receipt. I just stared at the ring on my hand, I was so shocked I missed everything else Nate and the man said as they finished up the paperwork.
We walked out of the store into the bright afternoon sunshine. My hand felt heavy now as I lifted it to shade my eyes. Nate threaded his fingers with mine and brought my hand to his lips. He placed a kiss so light on the back of my hand, I would have thought I'd imagined it if I didn't feel the undeniable warmth from his tenderness that it left behind. He smiled and lowered our connected hands down to swing as we walked side by side.
"Where do you want to go next?" I asked him.
His shoulders were relaxed, as he pointed across the street. "How about there."
If I didn't know any better I'd think the man had a list of my favorite things. The store wasn't any regular bookshop, no The Book Garden was the perfect combination of cozy and modern. Maria made the scones for their reading spot, and once a month we met for book club after hours with the owner, Sofie.
Entering through the sturdy double doors, I felt at home immediately.
"What do you like to read?" I asked him.
He took me to the aisle full of epic fantasy novels and pointed at the Lord of the Rings series. "What about you? Maria mentioned a book club."
"We read only the cheesiest romances possible for book club."
"Show me."
I did just that, pointing out the ones I'd read. He picked up one of them, and I took the opportunity to browse the store. I couldn't afford to buy today, but that didn't mean I couldn't look for the next book club read. So absorbed in browsing, I didn't pay attention to how much time had passed, and it wasn't until my stomach growled that I realized Nate had wandered away at some point to get a basket. He'd filled it with books too.
"Hungry?" He asked me.
"Heard that?" I placed the book I'd been looking at back on the shelf.
Nate picked it up and put it in his basket. I lifted a brow in question. "Picking up romances now?"
"It sounds interesting."
We went to the checkout, and I spotted Sofie working behind the counter.
"Lia!" She beamed at me. "It's so good to see you."
We chatted about how she'd spent the Christmas and New Year Holidays traveling Europe with her husband. They'd visited castles and she'd picked up a recipe she wanted Maria to try making for her bookstore. All the while, she rang up the books for Nate, and halfway through I realized that every book she scanned was one I'd picked up as we browsed.
Nate just smiled and picked up both bags of books. Looping his free hand with mine, he waited for me to finish talking with Sofie.
Sofie caught sight of the ring.
"When did that happen? I thought you'd sworn off men." She looked at me then Nate, "Even if they do have excellent taste in books."
"Tell you at book club?"
She groaned, "That's three weeks away, but fine. I have to get home anyway."
A few reporters with cameras waited outside the store as Nate held the door for me. I did my best to follow Nate's lead and ignore them as we loaded the books into his truck and drove away. We'd accomplished what we needed to, I had a ring, and photos had been taken.