“Would you like another drink?” He points at my half-full glass of champagne that has bright red lipstick on the rim.
“No, thank you. I will be leaving soon.”
“That’s a shame. It’s Mia, isn’t it?” He offers his hand to introduce himself. “I’m Ross.”
When I place my hand in his, he doesn’t shake it but turns it over, lightly rubbing my fingers with his thumb. I suddenly remember him. We have met before. He works for the police department.
“We’ve met before. Detective Rossini, isn’t it?”
His eyebrows rise, and he smiles that smile again. “I wasn’t sure if you would remember. Yes, we have met. A couple of times, actually.”
I hadn’t noticed before, but Detective Rossini is a very handsome man. He looks to be more suited to the Guerra rather than the police force, though. His large frame would fit in perfectly. His smile, on the other hand—maybe not.
“May I?” He points at the stool beside me.
“Of course.”
As he sits down, his suit trousers strain over his thigh muscles and his aftershave fills my senses—delicious. I could definitely see myself sitting on his lap. Conversation comes really easy with him. He has me laughing and relaxing into the moment, forgetting where I am and why I am here. Suddenly my bubble bursts, and my walls are back up in full force. It’s funny how I know when he is near. I don’t need to turn around to know that Marco’s eyes are burning into the back of my head from the doorway.
“I’m sorry, Ross, I really need to get going.”
He looks genuinely disappointed. As I stand up off the stool, he stands, too, taking my hand and leaning into me.
“You are incredibly beautiful, Mia. I’d love to get to know you better. Could I have your number? I’d like to see you again, if you would like that, too, of course?”
I smile. I would like that, too, actually.
“Here’s my card.” I hand him my business card, kiss him on the cheek, then go and find my girls.
Once I have rounded them up, we make our way to the door. We are greeted by Marco with a face like thunder.
“Mia, a word.” He storms out of the building and around the corner. The Guerra men are arriving and being briefed by Van. I leave Marisa and Lucia to swoon over my brother and follow Marco. What is his problem tonight?
Chapter 4
“What the hell are you playing at?” Marco booms at me once we are alone.
“Hey, don’t you shout at me. If you have a problem, Marco, just say it.”
“You throwing yourself at one of Lorenzo’s men.”
“I was not throwing myself at him. We were having a very nice conversation.”
“What about?” Marco holds his fist tight at his side.
“Nothing that concerns you,” I reply, irritated.
“Everything concerns me. And what did you give him?” he growls, clearly trying not to raise his voice.
“My business card,” I reply, standing my ground. Most people would be afraid of Marco right now. But not me. I have grown up with men like Marco all my life.
“Because he wants to buy some new makeup. For fuck’s sake, Marco, why do you think?” I am done with this conversation, so I push past him to go back inside. Before I take my third step, I am turned around by my arm.
Marco is holding my elbow tightly. “I forbid you see that man again.” His eyes are open wider than I have ever seen them. He stares them into mine intently.