“Well, that’s the plan.” I’ve got to admit, this dress is pretty eye-catching. It’s a short, tight, strapless dress. Red, of course, and covered in jewels and sequins. Not the most comfortable thing to wear, a little scratchy, but no pain no gain.
“Let’s make a toast.” Marsia pops open a bottle of champagne. “To Mia, the best friend a girl could wish for, and to MIA, the best and biggest makeup brand in the world. To Mia.”
We all clink glasses and down them in one.
“Right, girls—let’s go make some money.”
I really hope tonight goes as well as I want. I’m hoping that after the launch, my brand will have the biggest net worth in the world. Over the years I have had many companies wanting to buy my name, and I have always said no. But I feel I have taken my business as far as I wanted now. I’m ready to sell—for the right price. My heart isn’t in it anymore. It’s all about my sanctuary. I’m so proud of what I have achieved on my own, but I think I am done with it all now.
First, we go to the department store to officially open the new range of cosmetics. We are taken by limousine. It pulls up outside one of the entrances, which has been made exclusive to our event. There are crowds of people gathered behind rope barriers and a red carpet lining the floor. The guards see us in, not letting anyone get near us. Frustrated as I am for them not letting me speak to anyone, I keep my cool with a big smile firmly on my face. We are greeted by the organiser and the director of the department store.
“Mia, it is such a pleasure to finally meet you,” says the organiser, who looks genuinely excited to see me.
Thankfully I memorised both of their names on the plane ride over and have learnt just enough about them to make small talk as we make our way to the cosmetic department.
“I really hope you like what we have done with the displays. We’ve worked with your designers really closely for months. We’ve never had anything quite this spectacular before,” the director says to me as we reach the MIA area.
I’m drawn in as soon as I see it. Marisa and Lucia scream in excitement, walking faster in front of me to get a better look. There’s a row of makeup stations with LED lights around the mirrors. Everything glitters and sparkles. Each display has what looks like a mirror on the side but is really an interactive AI that shows what your face will look like with each one of our products, kind of like hairstyle apps but for makeup. It’s the latest technology and cost me a fortune, but hopefully it will pay off.
The event is invitation only. The guests have arrived and are let in to have a look around. There are canapes and champagne for everyone to enjoy while they watch demonstrations from some of our makeup artists. We selected the guests specifically for our own gain. There are bloggers and influencers, celebrities with big social media followings, magazine editors, and of course, prospective buyers.
Once the demonstrations are over and I have greeted everyone, I take the event stage area where the red sparkly ribbon is ready for me to cut. While I’m delivering my speech, I suddenly feel uneasy. Now, I know there are a lot of eyes on me right now, but I feel as though I am being watched. My eyes flick to the back of the room, which is where the unnerving sensation is coming from. But there’s nothing unordinary from what I can see, just the smiling faces of my guests.
When I’m finished, I speak to one of the guards. “Has everyone here definitely got an invitation?”
“Yes, Miss Alboni. Everyone has had their ticket scanned, identification checked, and bags searched on entry.”
“And there’s no way into this area without getting passed security?”
“No, Miss Alboni. Not a chance.”
“Okay, thank you.”
“Is everything okay?” The guard asks, concerned.
“Yes, fine, thank you.” I don’t bother saying anything else, as what am I supposed to tell him? It’s probably nothing, but I just can’t shake this feeling. And in the back of my mind, I know my intuition is always right.
Chapter 12
The launch continues with an afterparty at a bar we have hired. The venue has been beautifully dressed with the brand as its inspiration. There’s been no expense spared with a free bar, food, and goody bags full of MIA cosmetics. Putting on my best show, I work my way around, networking. Everyone is enjoying themselves, and I have meetings with investors set up for the coming weeks. After a few hours, I am tired of business talk and go in search of my girls. I find Maria and Lucia at the bar, downing shots.
“Toilet break,” they both insist as soon as they see me, then jump off their bar stools and take me by the arms into the ladies’ room.
“So how is going? Have you been approached by any of the investors?” asks Marisa.
“Yes, a few actually.”
“That’s amazing. We’re so proud of you, Mia.” Lucia beams, and I know she means every word. As much as Lucia and Marisa live for the benefits of being in my life, they do care a lot about me.
“Hey, Mia, I know it’s your night, but any chance we can go somewhere else when this is all over? I really want to find a nice English gentleman, and all the men here are either gay or old.” Marisa pleads, and I wish I could take them somewhere and show them all London has to offer.
“Yeah, I’ve had enough of it all now.” I agree. “The only problem is the guards. They’ll follow us everywhere and not let anyone get near to us. That’s if they even let me go somewhere that hasn’t been security checked already.”
“Argh, they spoil all our fun.” Lucia stamps her feet while reapplying her lipstick. “It’s a shame neither one of them are hot, but they both look like gorillas.”
“We could lose them,” suggests Marisa.