Page 13 of She Found Me

Chapter 7


“What have I told you about playing with guns, little lady?” Marco whispers into my ear.

“What the hell!” I pull out of his hold and smack him in the chest with both hands.

“What the hell are you doing out at this time? I woke up and you were gone. What is this place?” He looks around him. A few of the dogs have heard the commotion and have come to see what’s going on.

“This is my sanctuary. I’ve told you about the animals I rescue.” I have mentioned it in passing, but it isn’t something I like to speak about with the Guerra.

“I thought you had a few kennels with dogs in them, not this.”

The dogs have started barking at the uninvited visitor, which has alerted most of the other dogs, who have now woken up and come to investigate. Most of them stand back, barking and growling at him. I’m worried about Marco’s reaction. If he doesn’t approve of this, he could make things very difficult for me. He’d have a fight on his hands if tried to interfere.

One of our more confident animals, a little chihuahua with three legs, runs straight through the crowd of dogs now gathering, and barks at Marco’s feet. I wince, knowing that one kick from Marco would end this cheeky girl’s life. I’ve seen firsthand how cruel Guerra men can be to animals. But he surprises me. After staring at her for a few seconds, he bends his knees and holds his hand out for her to sniff. The chihuahua has a smell and decides she likes him, so then proceeds to climb up Marco’s leg and onto his lap. I laugh as Marco smiles at the little dog and sits himself on the floor, allowing the dog to climb up his shirt and kiss his face. The rest of the dogs see this as an invitation to do the same, and soon Marco is covered in dogs. I sit down beside him, and we laugh as we give out as many ear scratches and cuddles as we can. Once the excitement is over, the dogs wander off, returning to their beds or going in search of food. Apart from one. The chihuahua is curled up on Marco’s lap while he strokes her.

“It looks like Tipsy has taken quite a fancy to you.”

“Tipsy?” Marco’s face is horrified at the name.

“Yes, Tipsy. With only having three legs, she waddles around like she’s had one too many vodkas.”

“What happened to her?” Marco studies her fur, noticing all her scars.

“She was used as bait to train fighting dogs and left for dead. Her leg had been completely ripped off.”

Marco’s face is murderous as he listens.

“We didn’t think she would make it, but here she is, full of personality. She’s been through so much, and yet she’s such a lovely temperament. We’ve not had much luck in rehoming her, but we love her to bits, and she’s happy here.”

Marco doesn’t say anything. He just continues to study her.

“I’ll go and check everything is all right, and then we can go back to the house.”

After I have made sure Mabel and Sophie have everything under control, I return to find Marco still cuddling Tipsy.

“Come on, let’s go, boss,” I joke.

Marco looks at me with a grin. “See, now you’re getting it,” he chirps.

“Ha, I don’t think so.” I hold out my arms to take Tipsy, but he doesn’t pass her to me.

He stands up with her tucked under his arm. “She’s had a stressful night. I think it would be best if we take her back to the house with us,” Marco states firmly as he opens the door and walks out of the building.

I shake my head in disbelief, and I can’t help the smile that fills my face.

In the morning I wake to find Marco sitting in the chair, talking softly to Tipsy.

“You’re a beautiful girl—yes, you are.”

I try and hold in my laugh, but Marco looks up and stops talking immediately. He stands up and passes her to me on the bed. He is already fully dressed. “You will have to look after her today. I have work to do.”

I laugh at his comment. “So, what’s the plan?” I ask, remembering the situation from last night.

Marco looks at me for a moment, clearly thinking over how much to tell me. I can read him like a book.

“Under Lorenzo’s instruction, sixteen members of the Guerra have been arrested and questioned over illegal gambling, drug trafficking, and holding illegal weapons. The entire legal team is working on it, but it doesn’t look good.” Marco fiddles with his tie in the mirror.