Page 9 of She Found Me

“Usual rules apply. We do not harm law enforcement. Go quietly, and give no comment until I can get a legal team there.” I end the call. “Take me back to Lorenzo. I am going to kill him,” I fire at Van in the driver's seat.

“Not a chance. I’m taking you home. We need to find out what Lorenzo’s end game is. We need to be careful.”

As much as I want to rip Lorenzo’s head off, I know Van is right. But Lorenzo will get what is coming to him. My mind is buzzing when Van stops the car in front of my house.

“Go and do your shit. Release that anger. I’ll check in later.”

When I get into my house, I think about going down to my work room. There is usually someone down there being taught a lesson they'll never forget—or recover from. But carrying out torture doesn’t seem to have the same effect on me anymore. I used to be able to feel the release of tension with each limb I removed or organ I took out. Now it doesn’t have the same effect or appeal. No, now there is only one thing that relaxes me, only one thing I can think of doing. I pick up my car keys and head over to Mia’s.

My arrangement with Mia started a few years ago, when I was working as an underboss for Leonardo Guerra. We have known each other all our lives.

The status of being a Guerra means that women are readily available to you at all times. But their easiness and eagerness to please soon gets boring. After a drunken night where Mia Alboni ended up in my bed, I realized there is more to sex than just blowing my load. Mia makes me work for her pleasure, and in turn I feel more once I achieve it. Mia had had enough of men wanting more from her, and I definitely didn’t want anything more outside of the bedroom, so it seemed like the perfect solution.

I’m already feeling less like a bomb about to explode when I turn into Mia’s driveway. That is until I see a car belonging to Detective Rossini.

The anger is now back, but it is joined by something else, another feeling I have not experienced around anyone but Mia. She makes me crazy on another level. We have an arrangement. And that arrangement does not involve detectives.


“Marco!” I scream over Ross’s shoulder.

Ross stops his kissing and looks at me with a frown. “I’m Ross.”

Pushing him off me, I storm over to Marco.“What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?”

Marco looks at me with disgust.“Put some clothes on!” he orders.

Oh no, he does not get to break into my home and tell me what to do. Stepping back from him, I unclip my bra. I then slowly let the straps slide down my arms, and my breasts appear in full view. I can see the anger intensifying in Marcos eyes. Marco moves around me, shielding my body from Ross.

“Leave now!” Marco commands to a shocked-looking Ross.

“No. I’m not leaving Mia here with you.” Ross stands in front of Marco, trying his best to look brave. Ross is a big, well-built guy. To any regular man, he would look quite threatening. But next to Marco, he may as well be a child.

Recognising the growl coming from deep within Marco, I step in before Ross loses his life. “Please just go, Ross. I am absolutely fine, I promise.”

Ross stares at Marco and then back at me. He knows he doesn’t have much option, really. Theres no way he could take on Marco.

His shoulders sag and his head bows slightly in defeat. “Okay, but only if you’re sure?”

“I am. I will ring you later to check in. Now please just go.”

I pick up his shirt and tie and hand them to him as he leaves the room. The second he is out, Marco slams the door with both hands, then he stays there for a moment, his head resting on the door. He growls in anger, and he headbutts the door, banging his fists as he does.

“I told you to stay away from him. Why do you disobey me?!” he says, still standing with his head leaning against the door. He can’t look at me.

“You don’t own me, Marco. You cannot tell me what to do. How dare you break into my home like this and violate my privacy.”

He still doesn’t turn around. “He was touching you. Kissing you.” His voice gets louder and angrier.

“I’m not listening to this.” I make my way to my bathroom.

“Where are you going?”

“For a shower. And you better be gone when I get out.”

After slamming the door, I turn the lock quickly so he can’t follow me in. I’m so mad with him, I could scream. I rip off my thong and throw it in anger, then get under the steaming shower. The water is slightly too hot, but I don’t care. I force my head under and let the heat cover my body in goosebumps. I’ve let Marco get too close, and now he thinks he can control me. I need to push back. But thought of not being with him again pulls at my insides. This is such a mess. I should have known he would start to control me—or try to, anyway.

“Arrrgh!” I scream in madness, banging the shower screen, causing it to crack. “Shit.”