Smirking, he puts the lid down on my toilet and takes a seat. The toilet seat makes a loud cracking sound before the it buckles under his weight, causing him to fall to the side. He quickly catches himself, and I can’t but help laugh. He stands up and looks at what he’s done, then rips off the broken top, leaving just the seat.
“I’ll get a new one fitted tomorrow,” he grumbles,
“Just leave before you do any more damage.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you agree to have dinner with me.”
“Why? Why, Marco, is it so important that I have dinner with you tonight?”
Rubbing his bristled jaw with his hand, he answers. “Lorenzo has something else up his sleeve. I’m sure of it. You have an intuition about these things.”
“Let me get this straight. You, the head of the Guerra, want a woman’s help.”
“No, not help. A discussion, with you,” he disagrees firmly.
Marco looks troubled. He isn’t his usual together self.
“Fine, but get out of my house so I can get ready. Pick me up in an hour.”
In one hour exactly, Marco knocks on my front door. I’m ready and waiting, so I open the door immediately. Greeted with a side view of Marco while he checks our surroundings, I take in his appearance. He looks incredibly handsome tonight. His hair and beard have been freshly cut, and his facial hair accentuates his square jawline. Wearing his usual attire of a custom-fit black suit, he somehow looks different tonight. Maybe it’s the large gin and tonic I had while I was getting ready.
When he does turn to me, his eyes are wide. “You look incredible, Mia.”
A blush fills my face and I feel a little surprised by my reaction.
“Oh, this old thing.” I brush off his compliment and walk around him to the car. Feeling his eyes on my new skintight leather skirt and red corset top, I hear a growl sound from within him, which makes me smile. “I take it we are going in the Ferrari?” When I spin round to look at him, his eyes are on my bum.
Smirking, he moves his eyes up to mine. “You like red and power. I thought you’d appreciate it.”
That I do. He opens the door for me, and I climb into the beautiful interior. As we set off down the driveway, I notice the guards following behind us in their SUV.
As soon as we leave the driveway, Marco accelerates. The G-force instantly pushes my whole body against the soft leather seat. The roar of the engine vibrates through every part of me. Butterflies of excitement build in my stomach. Marco has never looked so powerful. If I could physically get out of my seat, I would devour him right now. Catching me looking at him, his face turns primal.
“Hold that thought. There will be plenty of time for that later,” he groans.
Marco parks right in front of the restaurant doors, over the yellow no-parking lines, because why wouldn’t he. The two guards assigned to me appear behind us. They enter the restaurant while we wait outside, and once they have made sure it’s clear, they hold the doors open for us.
“I’ll take it from here,” Marco instructs as he waves them away and puts his hand on the small of my back to lead me inside.
The restaurant is busy, but we are lead through to the private dining area in the back. Heads turn and watch us walk through the restaurant.
The private area is dimly lit with lots of candles. Classical music plays quietly in the background.
“This is all very romantic, Marco. I thought this was to discuss business?”
“It is. This is just how the private room is.”
“That’s a relief. I had visions of you getting down on one knee,” I joke.
Marco just stares at me, clearly not finding it funny.
Once we have ordered and I have my glass of wine, Marco begins to talk about Lorenzo. “There’s something else that I just can’t put my finger on.”
“How do you mean?” I inquire, as I have my own thoughts on this too.
“He must have known what our reaction would be after the raids. Of course we would retaliate.”
“I agree.”