Page 48 of The Devil Himself

My arms went slack. The final body fell to my feet. And when the door burst open and the first of the troops filed in, guns and voices raised, I didn’t even move.

I’d already been slain with a single look.


“What the fuck happened?”

“Sir! Sir, are you okay?”

“Who the fuck did this?”

“Lieutenant, you’ve been shot.”

Glancing down, I noticed that my jacket had fallen open, and my shirt was stained with fresh blood. Only this time it wasn’t my own.

Clearing my throat, I lifted one trembling arm and pointed toward the back hallway. “A prisoner got her hands on a gun …” I’d planned on saying more, but I shut up the moment I realized how hard it was to form a simple fucking sentence in Russian, how quickly the pain and hunger and weakness were returning, clouding my mind, blurring my vision.

Noting my unfastened trousers, the men nodded in solemn understanding. The prisoner had obviously caught us off guard with our dicks in our hands instead of our guns. There was no judgment in their eyes, only horror.

As if it could have happened to any one of them.

“Go!” the man in front shouted, jerking his gun in the direction of the back hallway. “Find the bitch! Now!”

The second they cleared the room, Clover bolted.

I lunged for her, pulling her to the ground just before a second wave of men burst through the door. I clamped my hand over her mouth as they filed in—gasping and cursing at the massacre before them—and felt my guts twist as Clover squeezed her eyes shut and stifled a whimper.

It was the way someone would react if they’d just been pinned to the ground by a fucking bear. That was what I was to her now—a mindless, murderous animal.

Clover managed to stay silent, but she was breathing faster than a rabbit, causing her perfect tits to heave against my chest. Having her naked body beneath me was a torture I hadn’t thought I’d have to endure again so soon. It was also making it hard for me to formulate a plan other than removing my hand from her mouth and kissing the shite out of her.

But that was a privilege I’d never have again.

We were right back where we’d started. I was the enemy, and she couldn’t bear to look at me. Only this time it wasn’t because I reminded her of someone. This time, it was because I’d just killed twelve fucking men in front of her and their blood was still splattered all over my face.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” I whispered, my lips grazing the soft skin of her ear.

She flinched on contact.

Our hearts were both racing—pounding against one another through the layers of bone and flesh separating them—when the commander emerged from the hallway and instructed the new crew to fan out and search for the escaped prisoner. From that angle, he would have been able to see us if he’d looked behind the counter, but my body was so much bigger than Clover’s that she was mostly hidden from view. I held perfectly still, my lips poised at her ear, and felt her body begin to tremble beneath mine.

“Shh,” I whispered, my own arms beginning to shake as they held hers against her sides.

I might have been trained to kill, to engage in every form of hand-to-hand combat on earth, but nothing in my training had prepared me for the violent adrenaline crash, suffocating dread, or nauseating sense of disgust that would come after slaughtering a room full of men and then lying among their oozing bodies.

“I’ll get you out of here,” I promised, “as soon as they leave.”

Clover’s cheek brushed against mine as she shook her head, so subtly no one but me would have noticed.

As the men passed through the room, I felt their eyes peer behind the counter. I squeezed Clover’s body so tight that her tremors finally stopped and held my breath until I heard the hallway door slam shut for the final time.

“Come on,” I whispered, pushing up onto my elbows so that I could look into her eyes. Not that they were looking at me. Clover kept them screwed shut as she turned her head as far to the side as it would go, facing the counter.

“I have a plan.”

I did. It wasn’t much, but it was better than lying there, waiting for someone to discover us.

As soon as I loosened my grip on her, Clover’s tremors returned. But despite her fear, she still managed to stun me with her bravery when she replied, “I can’t leave without them.”