Page 71 of Fighting for Rain

Rain shoves her toes into the waistband of my jeans and pushes them as far down my legs as they will go.

“I’m gonna make you come once for every night that I was gone.”

Rain’s head falls back onto the plywood with a dramatic thunk, but her hips rise to meet mine, thrust for thrust.

I would chuckle at her mixed signals, but this feels too fucking good. I drop my forehead to hers as we move with and against each other, seeking friction in the slippery mess we’ve made. Our mouths collide in a torrent of tongues and teeth as the pace quickens until I can’t fucking take it anymore. I need to be inside Rainbow Williams more than I need my next fucking breath.

Pulling her knee up to my ribs, I surge forward, filling her completely in one delicious fucking motion.

And Rain comes on contact.

Her nails dig into my back, and her moans echo down my throat as she pulses and arches and glows in my arms.

And I follow her into the light.

The darkness behind my eyelids goes white as I hold her shuttering body to mine. As I fill her with everything that I have. Everything that I am. Everything that I want to be for her. I could stay here like this forever, basking in the afterglow of my girl on fire.

But I can’t.

Because I promised this woman six more orgasms.

And from now on, I’m a man of my word.

May 4


When I wake up, I feel as though I’ve been turned inside out. The pain I used to carry around in my mind and in my soul is now only in my back from sleeping on a plywood floor. My muscles, which used to feel restless from lying around all day, are now deliciously sore. And my heart—which, just yesterday, felt like a rotting, blackened organ oozing poison into my bloodstream—now feels ripe and red where it pitter-pats against Wes’s side.

It feels happy. I feel happy.

I bury my smile in his bare chest and tighten my arm around his ribs. His presence feels like a miracle. Like a gift from God. Some people get new shoes or fancy cars or the latest iPhone for their birthdays. I got a whole person. My person.

And also, like, a dozen orgasms.

Wes stretches and turns in my arms, pressing his morning situation against my hip as he pulls me closer.

“No horsemen last night,” he grumbles sleepily, kissing my forehead.

“None at all?”

“Hmm-mm.” He shakes his head as much as he can with his lips still on my face. “You?”

I try to remember what I dreamed about and smile when it finally comes to me. “Me either. I dreamed that I was in outer space. I was stranded on this tiny planet, or maybe it was just an asteroid. I don’t know how I got there, but I couldn’t get home. I could see Earth, but every time I jumped off the rock and tried to swim to it, I would only get so far before the little planet’s gravity would pull me back down. I was so frustrated. I started to panic.”

Wes pulls me closer and rests his chin on the top of my head.

“Then, all of a sudden, this rocket came whizzing through the air. It looked like the Looping Starship ride at Six Flags. There was no roof, and everybody was screaming and laughing with their arms in the air. I waved for help, but they shouted at me that the ride was full. They were just gonna leave me there, but right before the ride passed me by, you leaned out as far as you could and pulled me in. You let me sit in your lap because all the seats were taken, and you wrapped your arms around me so that I wouldn’t fall out.”

I kiss Wes’s warm chest and feel my skin prickle with a million tingling goose bumps.

“It was the best dream I’ve had in a long, long time.”

Wes swells even more against my hip, but he ignores it and smooths a hand over my hair. “I would go to outer fucking space to get you.”

I smile.

“But I would never let those motherfuckers ride on my spaceship. They can all burn in hell.”