Page 59 of Fighting for Rain

The kid lifts one shoulder in a half-assed shrug.

He’s alone. Good.

“Listen …” I take a few steps farther into the store. “I need a few things. I’m hoping, maybe we can work something out.”

The kid raises his non-bruised eyebrow. “You got weed?”

Fuck. Of course a fourteen-year-old kid is gonna want weed.

“No, but I think I know where I can get you some ammo for that .32.”

I’m pretty sure Rain’s dad had a small arsenal tucked away in the corners of that house. I just gotta dig a little more.

His eyebrow falls back into place, and he looks down at his magazine. “Nah. Got a full clip … except for one.”

He glances back at me with hatred in his eyes, and I know exactly where that one bullet went.

“I got something else you might be interested in.” I take another step closer. “I wouldn’t normally offer this to a kid, but you seem like a smart guy.”

I pull a bottle of hydrocodone out of my pocket and rattle the contents. I found it when I emptied Rain’s dad’s pockets before I buried him. I figured that bastard would have something with some street value on him.

The kid’s eyes light up at the sight of that little orange bottle, and I know I got him.

“This shit’s better than cash. You can get anything you want out there with this—as long as you don’t fucking eat it.”

The little punk rolls his eyes and hands me a plastic bag from under the counter. “Three pills to fill up a shopping bag. Five, and I’ll throw in a case of water.”

I laugh and shake my head. “Dude, I think you and I are gonna be damn good friends.”


I can’t believe I’m twenty.

I can’t believe Wes came back!

I can’t believe he’s gone again.

I hope he’s okay out there.

He’ll be fine. I’m the one who got beat up, and I stayed in here.

Q. What a bitch.

At least she’s letting us stay.

She’s gonna make my life a living hell though.

Not that it wasn’t already.

But now Wes is back!

But what’s gonna happen when he remembers how much he hates this place?

He’s gonna leave again, and then what?

I’ll die. I’ll fucking die.

Or I could go with him.