“I can’t do this anymore,” she said as soon as it was answered. “I want out.”
Chapter 27
Sythe eased himself against the car, the place he’d parked giving the perfect viewpoint of the front of the restaurant Harper had just entered, as well as Charles, her driver.
She gone in yet?
A text from Wyatt. Again.
Sythe debated whether to simply turn his phone off and pretend it’d died. Mobiles were supposed to be for emergencies. Or maybe for sending risqué pics when bored. Not for having to validate every single action before he even took it. What was with humans needing to be in constant contact? It was exhausting.
Tell me again why I just can’t go in and interrupt their date?
Jealously gnawed at him, which was fucking ridiculous. Sythe didn’t get jealous. Ever.
Because I need my father to stay the fuck out of my business until I’m ready.
Is the place fancy?
Well, I can’t afford it.
Sythe gripped the phone harder.
You think she’s interested in the guy?
It doesn’t matter whether she’s interested or not. She’ll do what Angel tells her.
So you just want me to watch the place?
I want you to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere with the fucker. Right now, she’s an asset I need.
Because you need her to find the chalice? What’s so special about it?
How the fuck am I supposed to know? I hired six different fucking experts and Harper found more information on it in a week than they managed after 100k.
I need her, which means no one else can have her. Especially the fucking Crows.
Sythe put the phone in his pocket, ignoring the next vibration. Frustration was making him agitated. Impatient. Months he’d sacrificed his time, and now he was so close he couldn’t risk a single mistake.
Harper had gotten beneath his skin. He’d fucked up taking her to bed, because before his need for her was manageable. Now it took the last ounce of his control not to storm into the restaurant and throw her over his shoulder like a caveman.
This time Sythe didn’t correct his beast.
Which meant he was truly fucked.
The chalice was his best chance to lure Gideon from hiding. Once he’d killed him, maybe he and Harper could… he wasn’t sure.
They were from different worlds.
Lived different lives.
She’d been brought up believing his kind were evil, so how could he explain to her he was actually a druid who could change into a terrifying beast? Oh, and that same beast had chosen her as their mate.
Yeah, it’ll go down as well as a lead balloon.