Page 98 of Stroke of Shadows

“My name’s not Mr Black.” Sythe kneeled on the floor opposite, making sure to leave space in-between. He didn’t want to frighten her, especially when he’d essentially just declared she was his, and he wasn’t letting go.

“Then what’s—”

“You need to take a bite.” He held out the muffin, but when she went to grab it, he snatched it back. With a delicate grumble, she leaned forward, taking a mouthful from the top and chewed angrily.

“There,” she muffled. “Happy?”

Sythe laughed, wanting to lick across her chocolate coated lips. “Good girl.”

Harper’s eyes brightened, and he bit back a groan.

“To answer your question, my birth name’s Sythe Edwards.” Not that he really went by Edwards.

Harper smiled, and it was one of her genuine ones that made his chest tight. “Nice to meet you Mr Edwards, I’m Harper Beauchamp.”

“Harper, what a beautiful name.” He winked, smirking at the blush darkening her cheekbones. “Take another bite, and you get another question.”

Harper pursed her lips, but this time she didn’t attempt to take the muffin from his outstretched hand. “You killed Ivan.”

Sythe growled at the name. “That’s not a question.”


“Why?” he echoed. “Because he touched you without permission.”

“You can’t go around killing every man that touches me.”

“Can’t I?” Sythe was amused when her eyes widened a fraction. “You’re not an object, Harper. You get to say who you want to touch you or not. If someone hurts you, I’ll make sure they’ll never do it again.” It was a promise to himself, as well as her.

Harper seemed to think on his answer, her eyes searching his. “You’re telling the truth. You’d really hurt people for me.”

“I never said I was the good guy. There are things in the world that require monsters, because only one monster can take down another.”

“You’re calling yourself a monster?”

Sythe waited for her to take a bite. “I kill easily, and I feel no remorse for it. Ivan deserved to die. I won’t apologise for doing what needed to be done.”

Harper swallowed, just a delicate roll of her throat. She looked small, kneeling on the floor with the flames caressing her back. She’d never looked small, not when she’d always faced his teasing with cool contempt.

She tore a piece of the muffin, playing with it between her fingers. “Did you know who I was when we first met?”

“No. I saw you across that bar, thinking you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. You have no idea what it was like to see you again at that poncy party, knowing I couldn’t have you.”

Harper’s face softened. “Why couldn’t you have me?”

“Because you’re too good for me.” He risked an inch closer, their knees touching. He didn’t want to push, and usually he had the patience of a saint. But with her, she was like an addiction he couldn’t shake. “You’re so prim and proper, and I’m this… barbarian.”

Harper laughed, and Sythe smiled at the sound. “Maybe I like my men a little rough around the edges.”

His beast growled in agreement, and it took everything in him not to close the distance between them. “Eat, Starlight.” He could sense her hunger.

With a pout, she followed the order. “Tell me why you’re working with Wyatt.”

Sythe paused for the briefest second, knowing that once he explained there was no going back. “I’m working undercover to take them down.”

Harper blinked. “You’re with the Met?”

He waited until she took another bite before answering. “No.” He didn’t elaborate any further.