Page 8 of The Wolf's Mate

“I see. How…creative,” Rip says dismissively. He turns away from me—my damn dog still in his arms. Even from behind, Rip is an intimidating figure. His tight shirt stretches obscenely over his muscles, giving a show of each dip and curve of his body.

I’m unable to control my gaze as it goes straight down to his perfectly rounded ass. I’ve never considered myself an ass girl, but seeing Rip’s has me all but salivating. Rip is what wet dreams are made of.

Too bad he has the personality of a rusty nail.

“I’m going to go show Hettie to our room,” Rip says to Thorne and the woman next to Thorne. No one said anything about sharing a fucking room.

“I would rather go to Thorne’s room,” I mumble under my breath, but before I can say any more, Rip whirls back around, finally letting Grass go.

He closes the distance between us, and I have to tilt my head up to see him properly. His nostrils flare, brown eyes narrowing. There’s a slight red flush to his bronze-colored skin, hinting at his barely contained anger.

“Let’s make one thing very clear, human. You are mine. Whether or not you like it, you belong to me. And no Luna of mine will ever speak of another man’s room. Not unless you wish to face the consequences.”

Anger coils low in my belly, twisting and churning until nothing but bitterness is left. “I’m yours?” My voice comes out barely above a whisper, soft but not weak.

Many men in my life have thought they owned me. My body. My soul. My heart. Every piece of me has been wrongfully claimed by men who saw me as nothing more than an object. A pretty thing to have on their arm for the night. Coming to Mescos isn’t just a fresh start for my family, but it’s a fresh start for me too. Rip will not take that away from me.

“I belong to nobody. Even when I become your wife, I don’t fucking belong to you. Do you understand me?” I’m chest to chest with Rip, and our size difference has never been more obvious.

If Rip wants to overpower me, there is nothing I can do to stop it. Not only is he the biggest man I’ve ever seen, but, according to what Ender said, he’s also a fucking wolf. I’m just a woman with too much baggage and a loud mouth that has gotten me into many compromising positions.

I half expect him to show his dominance. Men with power don’t like to be challenged and are all too willing to put a person in their place; doesn’t matter if they are “loved” ones or not. Keeping the power in front of an audience is always most important.

Rip leans closer. So close I can smell his piney scent, reminding me of the trees in my front yard during autumn. My body tenses, waiting for him to react.

“Hettie.” I can’t decipher his tone. He’s not smiling, and yet he sounds amused, which is…not what I’m expecting.

Then he lifts his hand. Flashes of callused hands, drunken nights, and police sirens replay in my mind. My traitorous body flinches, and Rip stills next to me. The room falls into silence; I’m not sure I’m breathing.

After a tense moment, Rip growls, “Why did you flinch?”

Nervous laughter builds inside me, threatening to burst free, but I tamp it down. I don’t answer because I’m not quick enough to come up with a lie. Some secrets are better locked away.

The woman who walked in with Rip steps forward. “Rip, you have a meeting to go to, remember? Let me show Hettie around, okay?”

For a moment, I think Rip will argue. He continues to stare at me as if he can dig inside my soul and extract all my secrets. The thought is terrifying. Finally, he drags his gaze away and nods once.

“Keep her safe,” he barks and stomps out of the room, taking the heavy tension with him.

Thorne smiles at me once, bowing slightly, and follows Rip out. He casts one lingering glance over his shoulder to the other woman in the room.

My first meeting with my future husband didn’t go well, but I had very little hope it would. After all, this marriage provides us both with something we want. This isn’t a love match, but I don’t regret leaving my family for this, knowing they are finally going to be free of burdens.

Free of me.

“I’m Tallie,” the woman next to me says. She’s a pretty girl, with the most beautiful curly hair that hangs down to the center of her back. Her kind golden eyes are inviting, and I instantly like her.

“Rip is my cousin. He can be…difficult at times.” I can’t hide my scoff. Her red lips pull up into a bright smile. “Okay, maybe a lot of the time, but he’s honestly not so bad. I promise he has a big heart.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” Though I don’t get my hopes up that the big bad wolf is actually gentle and loving.

“So, would you like a tour around Lycan Forest? Or, if you’re tired from your travels, I can show you to your room now, and we can do the tour tomorrow,” Tallie offers.

I can’t sleep even if I want to. My brain is too wired, with far too many questions begging for answers. What is this place? Are they really wolves? What is my purpose here? What does it mean to marry the King Alpha? The contract wasn’t specific, and speaking to Ender is as easy as speaking to a brick wall, so questions are impossible with him.

Ender wasn’t very forthcoming with information. The contract was thorough, but it did little to ease my nerves about this unfamiliar world. My place is to marry the King Alpha and help save his kingdom from outside threats.

No idea what said threats are or how I—a fuck-up from Grym Hollow—can help anyone, but Ender stressed that I’m the only one who could.