Page 1 of The Wolf's Mate


Excerpt From The Great War by the Spiritual Scholars

According to historians of times before, Mescos was once a thriving country full of supernatural creatures and their human companions. In Mescos, humans held their own power, given to them by their god to ensure peace amongst the supernaturals and humans. Humans strengthened their lands and provided immense strength to the supernaturals they mated. Together, their lands, kingdoms, and people thrived.

The time for peace was short-lived, though, as a new danger emerged.

Nephilim, giant winged creatures born from greed and hatred, appeared seemingly overnight. Historians differ in opinion on how these creatures came to be. Some historians argue Nephilim were sent by angry gods, while others say Nephilim traveled from lands far from Mescos. Their origins are still unknown.

The Nephilim brought darkness to the kingdoms. Their leader, Gadreel, led the slaughter of humans to gain their magic. Thousands of humans and supernaturals died in what historians call The Great War. Each human death brought power to the hellish winged creatures.

Knowing they had very little time before the Nephilim became too powerful, the six rulers of Mescos—dragon, pixie, fae, wolf, demon, and kraken—agreed to work together in order to take down the common enemy.

The war between the rulers of Mescos and the Nephilim happened at Dragon’s Keep. The rulers of Mescos, their armies, and their human mates fought countless hours against Gadreel’s people. Many fell in an attempt to rid Mescos of the vile creatures.

Knowing they were unprepared to slaughter the Nephilim, the Pixie King and his human queen came together, combining their magic as one. Upon seeing this, the other rulers followed suit and, within the mountains east of Dragon’s Keep, a magical prison took form.

One by one, Nephilim were captured by the magic and imprisoned within the mountains. Gadreel, knowing his army would not win this war, cursed the rulers of Mescos before he was imprisoned. He damned the kingdoms: in one hundred years, if the rulers did not find their human mates, disaster would fall upon their people, and the Nephilim would rise again.

In his final act of rebellion, Gadreel used the last bit of stolen magic he absorbed from the deaths of humans and destroyed the portal between Mescos and the human world, effectively cutting off access to their human mates.

The leaders of Mescos won that day, but it cost them everything.

Over the next hundred years, the last humans of Mescos died off. With no connection to the human world, the Nephilim rose again, escaping their prison in the mountains. Now the only hope the six new Kings of Mescos have comes from an unexpected ally known as Ender the Guardian. He alone possesses the power to travel between worlds and bring humans to their supernatural mates.

Little is known about The Guardian.

Today, the safety and future of Mescos hang in the balance. History is being written in real time. These accounts will be updated as necessary.

Chapter 1


Ishouldn’t be here.

When I left my house this morning, kissing my mother and my younger sister goodbye, I promised I’d be home for dinner. My mom smiled, though she wore it like a mask. Call it mom’s intuition, but I think she knew something was different. Like maybe I wouldn’t be coming home this time.

She was right, of course.

“How’re you doing back there, honey?” Sister Tammy croons, tapping her fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of whatever Phil Collins song she’s listening to.

“I’m fine.” I don’t mean for my answer to be curt, but I fear if I say more, the tears I’ve been holding back since this morning will finally spill over.

Crying will not change my mistakes. It also won’t take me back to my family. And it definitely won’t bring back my father. I’m not even certain I deserve to cry after everything I put them through.

Like I said, I shouldn’t be here, but there’s no other option. If there were, I wouldn’t be making a deal with The Guardian. We learn at a young age in Grym Hollow that only deeply troubled people seek him out.

I guess that’s me. Deeply troubled.

“You know, this is the second person this month I’m taking to The Guardian. Rose Briar was in your place not too long ago. Remember Rose? The poor girl whose fiancé cheated on her with her own sister. Her sister is doing great, by the way. Really enjoying the mom life. But I will say, you young ladies are very brave. Mind if I say a prayer for you?” Sister Tammy launches into a prayer before I can even respond.

Her words are easy to ignore, especially since this isn’t the first time I’ve been the focus of an impromptu prayer from Sister Tammy. She’s Grym Hollow’s resident nun by day and our taxi service by night. No one in town questions it, so I don’t either.

A soft whimper catches my attention, and I look down at the golden retriever at my feet. Grass stares up at me as if asking, “Are we really doing this?”

Part of me feels guilty for dragging Grass into my mess, but a selfish part of me is thrilled that he jumped into Sister Tammy’s car and refused to budge. He’s the one connection to my home and to my father I’ll have left.. Grass was his dog, and since my father’s passing, the dog has taken more interest in me.

Grym Hollow passes in a blur of old, historical buildings dating back to the town founders. The light from the city dims, and soon trees with orange leaves and streetlamps surround us. The chirping of crickets and the occasional hoot from an owl replace the chatter and music of the city.