Every few feet, there are lights on the wall, but I apparently don’t get the luxury of them. If I’m getting punked, I will be very unhappy. I left the apartment early for this, right after my run with Gabriel and Tommy.
I think my best friend has been needing an outlet for himself since his date with a certain blue-haired omega.
I’m glad he’s making an effort, because I’m having a hard enough time on my own. I’m very set in my ways, and while banter comes easily to me, meaningful conversations do not.
Wincing as I get to the bottom, I notice everything is lit up down here, and the flooring is a cool epoxy type. Turning off my light, I walk across the space, vaguely seeing the quiet real estate agent who is watching my facial expressions. Shutting down anything you would gather from them, I give her my cold resting bitch face.
My Viking blond hair and sharp features make people scared of me, which unfortunately is why my own sister thought I hated her for a long time. My glares and grunts were how I communicated as a kid, and it’s easy to fall back into that pattern when I want to hide what I’m thinking.
This underground area is huge, perfect to set up a fighting ring, seating, and there’s a place where we can sell alcohol. This would also be a cool club when we aren’t hosting fights, allowing us a stream of legitimate income.
While I don’t care much about being on the right side of the law, it would be nice to make extra money to give us a legitimate footprint in Minneapolis.
I almost feel like an adult at the moment at twenty-five years old. It’s amusing that I’m as old as Tiny, yet we both have lived very different lives. I need to check in with my brothers, talk with them about this move, and see if any of them want to come with me. Bentley is beginning his first year of college, but could transfer here if he wished.
I put money away for all of my siblings, making sure they were all thriving even as I looked for our sister. Blowing out a breath, I begin to take pictures of the space, sending them in a group message to Gabriel and Tommy.
I need to take this step by step, so I don’t get distracted or overwhelmed.
Sending them a voice memo, I say, “I think this will work for what we need. I’d suggest changing the gate out for something sturdier, and we’ll have to bring in some manpower to set up everything we need. Thoughts?”
Tommy and Gabriel’s text bubbles fill the screen, and I put my phone away as I walk over to the agent.
“Would we be able to close in a fast turnaround?” I ask, raising my brow. “We need a place to use in the next few days, but we are in the market to buy and put down roots.”
She nods as she pulls out her phone and begins to text the seller. Or, I assume that’s who she’s speaking to. Bailey Marks is an alpha who came well recommended, and hasn’t had much luck apparently selling this place.
I’m not really surprised, because you definitely need to have a vision for it, or you wouldn’t know what to do with it.
There’s parking in a large field across from here that doesn’t belong to anyone but the city, so people will have easy access to their vehicles without fear that their cars will be towed. This also doesn’t seem like an area with much police presence, which is a plus for us.
“The seller wants to get this handled, but it’ll take a little longer than a few days,” Bailey says with a small wince.
“Even if we’re paying with cash?” I ask.
Shaking her head, her fingers fly across her screen. “This’ll definitely help things move faster, but he’d rather rent the property to you for a day to appease the city ordinances. You can use the property for what you need it for while the paperwork goes through,” she says, glancing up.
This property is the best one I’ve been to today. Funny enough, she also made it the last one, which means she’s a fucking smart agent as well. I’m tired of bouncing from place to place, and it’s almost five in the afternoon.
“Yeah, that’ll work,” I say with a nod. “Let’s get this paperwork sorted then?”
“Absolutely,” she says with a cheshire smile. Bailey knows she’s won, but it’s also a win for us as well, so I couldn’t care less. It’ll be a good move for the underground fighting ring, our soon-to-be pack, and our business.
I may be jumping the gun, but there’s no way any of Cerenity’s alphas will want to be away from her for long. Tommy is overseeing the cleaning of our apartment next to hers today, and bought it essentials.
I have no idea how long we’ll be there, though I’ll sleep on the air mattress Tommy bought this morning for as long as it takes. The first one we bought was ripped, so we both slept on the floor last night. My back is complaining, but it’s worth it to see her.
Tiny is still up to her tricks, because she hid all of the coffee pods this morning, leaving a note that said:
Sorry boys, I’m out for the day. Out of the apartment, out of coffee, and Auggie is drinking the last cup!
Gabriel went straight to shower, Augustine smirked as he drank his coffee, and Tommy grumbled as he ordered more coffee on his phone.
We’ll figure our shit out. The beautiful blue-haired omega we’re all buzzing around means we have to.
I spend the next two hours signing paperwork for the property, transferring money, and then head to the apartment. I’m driving Tommy’s truck because my vehicle is still in Chicago, and we’ll have to make a trip back in the next couple of days to check on things there.
There are fighters to speak with, Tommy needs to have a family meeting with everyone to discuss the latest developments, and I need to see my brothers. It takes a lot of manpower to move your entire life to another city, but Tiny is worth it. She may still be giving me sidelong glances and hiding the Goddamn coffee, but I know I’ll win her over.