Page 56 of Fight

He had one of his fighters drop his SUV off here so he wouldn’t have to worry about it, and I have to say it was a good choice, so I don’t have to drive back to the gym to get it.

“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty,” I tease Jasper, nudging him. He startles awake, making me flinch out of the way when his arms flail around. “Jesus, it’s just me. We’re here.”

“Fuck,” he groans as he rubs his eyes. “I don’t think I should be driving. I’m going to get my shit and come back to your truck.”

On second thought, Jasper does look wrecked.

“See you in a bit,” I acknowledge with a smirk as he drags himself out.

Checking my phone again, I see an alert at my gate and my sister’s middle finger raised high in a text. I should have known she’d help me, even if just for Cerenity.

Thanks little sis.

Marie: I hope she murders you in your sleep, big bro.

God, family is just grand, isn’t it?

Chapter Thirteen


My brother has no idea what he’s dealing with. I’m stewing in anger as I drive up to the monstrosity of a house that he owns. You can’t get into the complex without him allowing you admittance from his phone or in person, because the security system is keyed to him alone.

I mutter obscenities as I park my car, still angry at how he manhandled me last night. Everything points to this omega being his scent match, the urgency he feels to protect being a huge red flag for me.

Unfortunately, I don’t know if he knows this yet since the girl smelled like disinfectant and garbage from her ordeal. There were sticky fluids and blood caked to her pale skin, but instead of feeling queasy, all I could manage was sympathy.

She looked as if she barely managed to stop whoever took her from raping her, but I have no doubt that there will be other emotional scars from that night.

Getting out of my little car, I shut the door behind me, wondering what I’m going to find. I can’t fucking believe he handcuffed her to the bed. God, the worst thing is that this isn’t some silly kink.

It would almost be better if it was because then at least I could be sure that she enjoyed it. I never pegged my criminal big brother as a kidnapper, but it goes to show that ‘overbearing’ and ‘asshole’ go hand in hand.

Don’t get me wrong, the city of Chicago sings the alpha’s praises because he’s one of the good ones, but as a human? He’s kind of a dick.

Huffing out a sigh, I try to channel a less intense energy as I get ready to walk into the house. Just because I’m pissed off at Tommy doesn’t mean I have to expose the person I’m going to help to that.

Taking a deep breath, I glance up at the little security camera over the front door and stick my tongue out at my brother, knowing that he’s watching. The door unlocks as if by magic which makes me smirk as I open it.

“Abracadabra,” I mutter as I walk inside. Closing the door behind me, I roll my eyes at the sound of it locking behind me.

God, please save me from paranoid alphas. Slipping off my shoes, I shift the medical bag with supplies and a change of clothes for her inside as I start walking toward the stairs to face either a hysterical omega, or a very pissed off one.

Swallowing hard, I find myself outside Tommy’s bedroom as I peek inside. The omega, who my brother calls Cerenity, is in one of his huge T-shirts, muttering to herself as she glares out the window.

There’s plenty of light outside still, and it falls over her as she lays on the bed with her arms handcuffed over her head. Tommy told me where to find the keys, and I am still mad at him for making me do this.

Of course, I also know that if he could do it himself, he would have, or he wouldn’t have reached out to me again. I know his instincts were riding him hard, or he never would have pushed me the way he did last night.

“Cerenity?” I ask softly as I step into the room. Her head snaps toward me so quickly that she winces in discomfort. The skin under her right eye is puffy and bruised, and her bottom lip is split and swollen after her ordeal last night.

Her previously matted blue hair is now dry and slightly curling around her face, and flopping in her face no matter how much she tries to shrug it off.

My brother’s scent match is beautiful, even if life hasn’t dealt her a fair hand recently.

“Who are you?” she rasps. Cerenity was really out of it while I was helping her, so I’m not surprised that she doesn’t remember me. Pushing my blonde hair over my shoulders, I move to the nightstand where my big lug of a brother has the key to the cuffs.

The handcuffs aren’t cute or lined in fur, they’re actual cuffs, which makes me hope he doesn’t use them during his bedroom activities. I just started speaking more to him, though not because I want to. No, it’s because Tommy doesn’t know how to leave me alone. He’ll blow up my phone until I respond or he’ll have me escorted to see him.